Friday, September 30, 2011

Tropical Storm Maria

page1b098The centre of Tropical Storm Maria at 11:00pm last night was located near latitude 13.3 north and longitude 54.0 west, or about 430 miles east of the Eastern Caribbean. It was moving west (275 degrees) near 21 miles per hour and this general motion was expected to continue, with a turn toward the west-northwest Friday and the northwest Saturday. Maximum sustained winds were near 40 miles per hour with higher gusts and of tropical storm force outward up to 175 miles from the centre. Maria was forecast to weaken to a Tropical Depression and pass 140 miles south of St. Maarten as such at 8:00am on Saturday but expected to re-strengthen at some point, so storm warnings are in effect for the local area. The Met Office predicted between 2 and 4 inches of rainfall and possible local flooding in low lying areas between Saturday and Sunday morning, northeast winds of 40 to 50 miles per hour with perhaps a few gusts of up to 55 and gradually shifting southeast, as well as rough seas that will slowly subside on Sunday.


Middle East Wolverhampton Wanderers Lee Cattermole Pakistan cricket team Vladimir Putin North and Central America

Van Dam: proper corporate governance must be ensured

THE HAGUE--Member of the Dutch Parliament's Second Chamber Martijn van Dam of the Labour Party PvdA believes that Dutch Minister of Home Affairs and Kingdom Relations Piet Hein Donner has a role in ensuring proper corporate governance in Cura�ao.

Van Dam submitted written questions to the Minister on Monday, in which he suggested that Donner should prevent the Schotte cabinet in Cura�ao from taking over authority and responsibility for managing government-owned companies. Board members of government-owned companies should maintain their objectivity.

The Member of Parliament (MP) fears that management meetings of government-owned companies "will be held in Fort Amsterdam," if model charters of these companies are adapted to the liking of Cura�ao's government.

Van Dam asked Donner to keep an eye on adhering to the Corporate Governance law in its original form. He wanted to know if the Minister shared his opinion that Cura�ao's government had acted against the Corporate Governance law with its proposal to change the model charters of government-owned companies and foundations.

The MP asked whether it was true that Cura�ao was planning to modify the model charters in such a way that the cabinet could give specific instructions to management and boards of government-owned companies and to eliminate the requirement of reasons for firing members of the board. He wanted to know if the matter had the attention of the Rosenm�ller Committee.

According to Van Dam, the Financial Supervision Law and the linked law on Corporate Governance can possibly prevent the Schotte cabinet from adjusting the model charters to get a greater grip on government-owned companies and foundations.

The Corporate Governance law was designed to create a distance between local politics and government-owned companies and foundations and to "prevent nepotism and political patronage," stated Van Dam.

The MP hinted at the possibility of intervening at the Kingdom level. "Does this matter have your fullest attention, based on your responsibility as stated in Article 43 of the Kingdom Charter?"

Van Dam asked the Minister whether he thought it would be possible to convince Cura�ao to change its mind on the matter. "Or is it more plausible that intervention will be necessary as a result of Cura�ao's actions, in Cura�ao's general interest and in the interest of the Kingdom?"


Christmas markets Poland World Cup 2018 Post-traumatic stress disorder Student politics Entertainment

Antillean Guilder will remain in use in 2012

PHILIPSBURG--It appears that the envisioned Caribbean Guilder for Cura�ao and St. Maarten will continue to be on the shelf in 2012, as government intends to make arrangements with Cura�ao for the continued use of the Netherlands Antilles guilder.

Governor Eugene Holiday said at the opening of the 2011-2012 Parliamentary Year on Tuesday, that it is recommended that this arrangement be maintained for 2012 to allow the St. Maarten branch of the Central Bank, "to take root and for a careful analysis of the available choices of currency."

The Antillean guilder, pegged to the US dollar, has been in use by the two countries within the Dutch Kingdom since the dismantling of the Netherlands Antilles on October 10, 2010. It was expected that that arrangement would continue until next year when the Caribbean Guilder would come into circulation.

Holiday said that the organisation of the Central Bank of Cura�ao and St. Maarten has "suffered some serious setbacks." For St. Maarten, this meant that the envisaged full-fledged Central Bank branch here has not materialised to date, and that no further joint action on a joint currency has been undertaken.

Holiday said, "Given the rocky start of this joint institution, the government of St. Maarten is of the belief that a separate monetary agency for St. Maarten must be given serious consideration. The scope and form of this agency [Central Bank ed.] will be dependent on the ultimate choice by St. Maarten for its currency."


Peter Crouch Occupational pensions Australia cricket team Newspapers Mikel Arteta Lisa Allardice

Oil prices end September 10% down on poor oil demand in Atlantic basin

Libya’s return to the market also added to the bearish spin Oil prices fell on renewed economic concerns, putting Brent on track for about a 10% drop this month and its biggest quarterly decline in five quarters.


Manufacturing data Economics Oscars Liverpool Panto season Julio Arca

Crime rate decreasing, but violent crimes increasing

page1a112PHILIPSBURG--There has been a general decrease in crime, but an increase in violent criminal acts, stated Police Chief Commissioner Peter de Witte in Monday's parliamentary meeting, called to discuss the local crime situation, amongst other subjects.

Assisted by Judicial Division head Denise Jacobs, he presented an update on the island's latest crime figures for the first half of this year. Jacobs' statistical data showed that there had been 14 murders for the year thus far.

There were 208 violent offences, of which 121 were armed robberies, 10 were rapes with extreme violence, and the remainder were cases of serious ill-treatment or threat with a weapon. There was a 20 per cent increase in arrests made in the first half of this year (266) compared to the same period last year (221).

Home invasion/burglaries decreased by 20 per cent, with 275 this year compared to 345 burglaries in 2010. Jacobs said this could be the result of a home invasion/burglary team that was installed in December 2010 and of the strengthening of the Forensic Department.

Unfortunately, statistics showed a 14 per cent increase in robberies: 121 this year compared to 106 reported in 2010. This, Jacobs said. is believed to be a result of some external factors over which the police do not have direct influence, such as the increased gold value, more demand from jewellers and pawnshops, businesses not adhering to closing times and not investing in preventative measures.

There were 198 thefts this year, a 15 per cent decrease compared to 2010 when there were 229 cases. Jacobs noted that car thefts had decreased by 15 per cent this year compared to last year, a result of the arrest of a large-scale group of perpetrators who besides being guilty of violent offences were also responsible for daily car thefts.

Statistics show a 19 per cent decrease in cases of ill-treatment with 110 cases reported this year against 137 last year.

Jacobs elaborated on the subject of the 14 murders. She said detectives had been able to solve four of these murders: crewmember Ludovic Guillevin, who was tortured and killed; Fiodel Louis, tortured and killed; Eduardo Nova Valdez, tortured and killed; and 13-year-old Tiffany Reid, whose body was burnt and whose father has been detained as the main suspect.

Investigations still ongoing are the fatal shootings of Emilio De Leon Reyes, Amador Jones, the Arrindell brothers Hector Miguel and Rodolfo, Eric Lake, Kevin Gumbs, Sheldon Thomas, whose killer fled the island, Anthony Whyte of St. Kitts, and, most recently, Guyanese businessman Mark Anthony Deygoo who was shot to death during a robbery of his Back Street store.

Jacobs noted that police conducted investigations within the possibility of the law: "Often people say everyone knows who did it but the police. In this sense the police know too who committed the crimes, but suspicion is not enough to detain people. That is why we call ourselves professionals, that is why we get training, and we believe training has to be a continuous process. We need theoretical foundation to do our job well, as well as material."

She said it took an estimated three months to carry out an investigation. In allocating investigators, five murder cases are being worked on by a joint investigation team TGO, a large team that functions under the responsibility of the police chief with a large capacity of the St. Maarten Police Force and added capacity of other Caribbean police forces (Bonaire, St. Eustatius, Saba, Aruba and Cura�ao) in the Kingdom, the Kingdom Detective Cooperation Team RST and the Dutch Marechaussees.

Another five murder cases are being investigated by the TGO, which means they are being handled as separate investigations, with an average of one to two detectives per murder case at the moment. However, 10 people are required to conduct an investigation well. The police are carrying out investigations with few resources, to the extent that the 208 violent offences are a heavy workload, because the Police Force does not have ample capacity.

"If another violent and tragic incident with the loss of life takes place, the only way this case could be dealt with is to have the police officers work overtime and even on their days off. That loyalty and passion still exists within our police officers, for which I am very grateful," said Police Chief Commissioner de Witte.


Protest Norway Alexander Litvinenko London Neal Ardley Motherwell

Yemeni forces 'kill' cleric Anwar al-Awlaki


London, (Pal Telegraph) - Tribal sources say that al-Qaeda-linked religious scholar was targeted in air strike on two vehicles in Marib province.


Economics Oscars Liverpool Panto season Julio Arca Christmas markets

Judge orders Rainbow, Sabra N.V. to pay damages to apartment owners

~ In violation of planning permit and sales agreement ~

PHILIPSBURG--The Court of First Instance of St. Maarten has ruled in favour of the Rainbow Beach Club apartment owners, and has ordered Rainbow to pay damages on grounds that the building in which the apartment owners reside was built in conflict with the building and planning permit and in violation of the sales and purchase agreement that was signed by the parties.

The developer of the project, Sabra N.V., was also deemed liable for damages. Attorney Michiel Noordhoek of law firm HBN Law, which represented the owners, explained that the planning permit stipulates that if a building is equipped with an elevator, the maximum number of floors allowed is four, and if no elevator is present, the maximum number of floors allowed is three.

Noordhoek explained that the buildings at Rainbow are much higher than what was allowed in the planning permit and this has been confirmed in the judgments. The West and South Building have five to six floors, the Tennis Building has at least six floors, and the Tower Building has eight floors with roof top units. This means that all together more than 80 apartments in the Rainbow Beach Club are built in conflict with the planning permit.

Noordhoek further explained that when the owners purchased their units, they trusted that the building would be no higher than four floors, as stipulated in the sale brochures of the project. Additionally, Noordhoek also explained that the court rendered its verdict on damages based on the poor state of the buildings, which had walls filled with mould, cracks, a failing drainage system and other aspects that were also deemed in violation of the sales and purchase agreement.

Attorney for Rainbow Beach Club Mark Kortenoever of law firm Lexwell said his client will appeal the decision based on "irregular arguments" within the judgment. He said the way the judge established certain facts as they relate to construction deficiencies will be challenged. He also contended that the judge did not motivate the decision sufficiently, did not conduct any site visits and didn't call any witnesses or hear any expert testimony.

"In our opinion the conclusion cannot be supported by what was presented in court," Kortenover said, adding that his client's position is that the subdivision permit is not relevant considering the zoning for the area, which allowed much higher buildings to be built in the general area, such as The Cliffs and Blue Mall, both of which are higher than Rainbow.

When asked what his position was on owners who contended that the two high buildings were constructed after Rainbow had built and their purchase agreements had been signed, Kortenoever said, "The judge didn't make a ruling on whether or not there were any expectations regarding the number of floors when they signed it.

"The judge said because of the conflicts in the planning permit, this was enough to rule in favour of the claim for damages. Our argument on the damages claims because of the height of the building is this: if you are a neighbour in an adjoining project, then you may have an issue if your neighbour's project has more floors, but if you are in the project itself you cannot say suffer damages because of violation of the planning permit," Kortenoever said.

The amount of damages to be paid by Rainbow and Sabra N.V. will be established in separate proceedings.


Road trips Office for National Statistics Cheryl Cole Biology Guantánamo Bay Digital media

One Step Closer to Palestine

altPalestine, (Pal Telegraph) - The high felt by Palestinians everywhere as President Mahmoud Abbas held up his application for full membership at the UN last week is long overdue. The elation was well deserved for more than one reason. For one, Palestinians saw before them a man – usually deemed as weak – defy the world’s strongest nation and paint a portrait of Israel’s occupation that was by any standards, the closest picture to reality than we’ve heard for a long time.


Luis Moreno-Ocampo Sir Alex Ferguson Eric Pickles Aston villa Boxing City breaks

Dubai Properties? Mirdif Projects blossom into thriving communities

Mirdif, once considered a distant commuter suburb of Dubai has been transformed, in recent years, into a vibrant township in its own right. The latest addition to Mirdif?s many advantages as an alternative to city living are Dubai Properties Group?s rapidly maturing Shorooq and Ghoroob communities. 

With occupancy levels over 80%, both communities have quickly succeeded in attracting families, couples and single people seeking quality, affordable accommodation that is conveniently located within the Dubai city limits. 

Mirdif Projects
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Vladimir Putin North and Central America JS Bach Beach holidays Pop and rock Waste

Governor swears in new prosecutor

page7a104PHILIPSBURG--New Prosecutor Dounia Benammar was sworn in by Governor Eugene Holiday in the presence of Chief Prosecutor Hans Mos during an oath-taking ceremony on Thursday.

Benammar, who will be working with the Prosecutor's Office for three years and travelled here with husband and child, took up her new job as per September 1.

She has been a prosecutor in various cities in the Netherlands, among them Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Den Bosch, Breda and, most recently, The Hague.

Mos said that with Benammar's arrival the Prosecutor's Office would be "almost at full force" with four full-time and one part-time prosecutors, and four paralegal secretaries. The part-time prosecutor divides her time among St. Maarten, Saba and St. Eustatius.

"The arrival of this new prosecutor will lead to a reshuffling of the various tasks of the Prosecutor's Office among staff members," Mos said, "while the addition of an extra staff member will also lead to higher quality."

However, he was quick to dampen expectations that with the arrival of an extra prosecutor more crimes would be solved and time-consuming investigations into, for instance, the alleged wrongdoings at the Tourist Office and alleged misappropriation of former Commissioner of Economic Affairs Maria Buncamper-Molanus would be now be taken up with more energy.

"One should not forget that reinforcement of the Prosecutor's Office is one thing, but crimes are first and foremost being investigated by the Police Force, which Detective Department up until now still consists of three detectives and one police analyst, while the regular Police Force is still 200 officers short.

"These days, much time and energy is being spent in dealing with the serious violent crimes that are rattling the island, which is having consequences for dealing with other crimes such as, for instance, home burglaries," Mos explained.


Fifa Weir Dorset War crimes Tuition fees Energy bills

Dutch Quarter upgrading stalled due to GEBE?s non-compliance

DUTCH QUARTER--The infrastructure upgrading project in Dutch Quarter came to a partial standstill on Thursday due to utilities company GEBE not moving quickly enough to remove its utilities poles and put its cables underground, much to the chagrin of Deputy Prime Minister Theo Heyliger.

Heyliger told The Daily Herald on Thursday that this was a blow for the people of Dutch Quarter, who have been understanding and have been living with the inconvenience because they knew it would bring an improvement to their community. "And now the people are being held hostage by GEBE, a company that they own."

GEBE, he explained, had been involved in the planning process for the upgrading from inception. "The Ministry has been in touch with GEBE and letters were even sent to remind the company about its responsibilities, but nothing has been done, leaving the contractor to work around the major work."

As it stands, the contractor will continue doing tasks that can be carried out without the cables needing to be underground. However, if GEBE takes too long to carry out its part of the work and the term of the contract runs out, the contractor can levy additional charges on government.

"This means government ? with its limited resources ? will have to foot an additional cost to get the work done and when we as government try attempt to recover the funds from GEBE there will be a quick outcry from the company that it can be put in jeopardy," Heyliger said.

The upgrading of Dutch Quarter is slated for completion by the end of the year.


Pakistan cricket team Vladimir Putin North and Central America JS Bach Beach holidays Pop and rock

Syria: U.S. envoy attacked

The American ambassador to Damascus, Robert Ford, was trapped in offices belonging to the Syrian opposition after pro government protesters surrounded the building Thursday, Al Arabiya television reported. He and fellow diplomats were reportedly visiting a Syrian opposition politician when their vehicle was attacked.

"Two embassy cars were damaged," a witness told Reuters. "The U.S. delegation is still there and the crowd is surrounding the building."

Ford angered the Assad regime with his July visit to the central city of Hama.

Robert Ford
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JLS Protest Norway Alexander Litvinenko London Neal Ardley

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Rare white humpback whale calf spotted near Australia?s Great Barrier Reef

“A once in a lifetime experience? spotting the white whale (Photo AFP) An extremely rare white humpback whale calf has been spotted near Australia's Great Barrier Reef in an event witnesses described Thursday as a "once in a lifetime experience".


Oscars Liverpool Panto season Julio Arca Christmas markets Poland

Going independent?

page5b095Speculations are still high about National Alliance (NA) Member of Parliament Frans Richardson possibly going independent in the coming days and pooling his support with the United People's (UP) party/Democratic Party (DP) coalition. So far all that Richardson has said on the issue is that he is the only one who would make any statement on any plans pertaining to his political career and he was not one to respond to rumours circulating in the community. Richardson and the UP/DP coalition socialised together at the recent anniversary celebrations of construction company Windward Roads Infrastructure. In photo (from left): Former NA, now independent MP Patrick Illidge, Richardson, UP leader/Deputy Prime Minister Theo Heyliger and Health and Labour Minister Cornelius de Weever (DP).


Obama administration Lloyds Banking Group Financial sector Chalkboards Belarus Niclas Alexandersson

World Tourism Day

page1a113The World Tourism Day (WTD) Festival organised by St. Maarten Tourist Bureau and held at the St. Rose Arcade yesterday evening attracted a large turnout. The evening's programme featured several cultural manifestations staged by local artistes. Among those in attendance were Acting Governor Reynold Groeneveldt and Prime Minister Sarah Wescot-Williams. The theme of this year's WTD celebrations was "Tourism ? Linking Cultures." Photo by John Halley.


Dorset War crimes Tuition fees Energy bills Iain Chambers Annuities

Destinations trying new things to increase tourist arrivals

DAWN BEACH--Caribbean nations, with representatives attending the Caribbean Tourism Organisation's (CTO) inaugural State of the Industry Conference, are all making efforts to increase tourist arrivals to their particular destination by looking at initiatives in niche markets or completely revamping their destination's brand.

The conference at the Westin Dawn Beach & Spa welcomed delegates from across the Caribbean on Thursday night and continued on Friday with a number of industry related discussions. In one-on-one and group interviews, several Tourism heads and Tourism Ministers shared what their respective destinations are doing to boost arrivals in a challenging economy.

St. Maarten

Director of the St. Maarten Tourist Bureau May Ling Chun said some of her bureau's short-term goals are investing more money into promoting trade with a specific focus on educating travel agents as well as providing more agent incentives. Chun also says the Bureau is working to establish a specialist programme for agents.

Chun also mentioned the establishing of the St. Maarten Tourism Authority but indicated that it has not yet been decided whether or not the bureau would be eliminated or if both a bureau and a tourism authority would co-exist, noting "we are still looking to see how that would work."

She went on to mention JetBlue's new San Juan service scheduled to start on November 17 as well as the tourism statistical system which should go online in January 2012.

Chun said increased airlift is a priority for St. Maarten, with more emphasis on new and emerging markets beyond the main providers. She said international arrivals to the island have seen a decline in numbers recently so as a result, it is revamping its efforts in terms of marketing and developing its

A revamped website will soon be launched,, and smartphone apps are also available. Chun pointed out that social media will be a large part of the destination's new efforts to revitalise its tourism.

St. Kitts

Minsiter of Tourism of St. Kitts and CTO Chairman Ricky Skerritt said St. Kitts and Nevis has been able to make improvements in market performance despite recent economic challenges. Although he admitted that visitation numbers are not yet back to 2008 levels, there has been a year-over-year increase of 14 per cent from the North American source market.

St. Kitts is undergoing a revamping of their brand which will include a new website, logo, social media initiatives and more. Additionally, the destination has also joined the Air Canada Vacations programme. As of December 23, Air Canada will offer a weekly non-stop flight to the destination from Toronto, making it the only non-stop commercial flight from Canada.


Minister of Tourism and Civil Aviation of Grenada Peter David said it is important for various Caribbean islands to work together to promote tourism to the destination. Although Grenada faces major challenges like increasing airlift, it has seen increased flights from North America and the UK. Canada in particular is showing good gains for the destination, with a January to June 2011 increase of 7 per cent.

Acknowledging challenges that the destination faces - increasing airlift, site maintenance and provision of rooms - David said many of these are similar to the other island countries. Despite the challenges, it has seen increased flights from Canada, the U.S. and the U.K., perhaps one factor in the seven per cent January to June 2011 increase in Canadian visitors.

Grenada has also signed onto the "One Ticket, Eight Destinations" initiative that aims to draw travellers to Grenada and seven other Caribbean islands.


Director Americas for Martinique Muriel Wiltord-Latamie said the island is not well known compared to other Caribbean destinations, with its main market being France. She noted that Air Canada is a good link from North America with two weekly flights from Montreal. She noted that Martinique can boast of two-thirds of the island being protected nature parks and can develop a niche market like eco-tours.

Martinique, like many destinations including St. Maarten, is also looking at the wedding and honeymoons niche markets among others.


Bradford Bulls Small business Road trips Office for National Statistics Cheryl Cole Biology

Dubai Properties Group promotes responsible living at its communities

Dubai Properties Group (DPG), a member of Dubai Holding, has been actively promoting responsible living at its various communities through tie ups with government agencies, or self-driven events and programmes. 

All the events have been supported by DPG as part of its commitment to adding value to the communities it develops. 

In partnership with DEWA, a road show was organised at the Layan and Al Khail Gate communities to increase awareness of the importance of energy and water conservation.

During the event
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Nicolas Anelka European football West Bromwich Albion Rugby union Bradford Bulls Small business

Statia, Saba health care issues are mostly solved

THE HAGUE--Referrals of Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba residents to hospitals and specialists abroad are a complicated matter, but the Dutch Government says it has managed to remove the major bottlenecks.

In his letter to the Second Chamber last week Wednesday, Dutch Minister of Home Affairs and Kingdom Relations Piet Hein Donner tried to assure Parliament that all was well when it came to medical and health facilities for residents of the Dutch 'public entities' Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba.

Responding to the many complaints of citizens and local government officials about the medical arrangements abroad, Parliament had submitted a number of critical questions to the Minister before the summer recess in which it sought clarity on health care facilities available to island residents.

In his response Donner stated that the Dutch cabinet was aware that the implementation of the new general health insurance effective January 1 had "led to certain problems."

"These mainly concerned medical referrals abroad, including the non-distribution of cheques, internal control problems because of the transfer of existing personnel and problems relating to emergency transportations," stated the Minister.

According to Donner, the introduction of the new general health insurance went well in several aspects. "The helicopter for Saba is now operational for night flights, agreements were made on the payment for medical referrals abroad, contracts were sealed with large health care institutions in the region and the privatisation of local health care institutions was completed. There is also regular consultation to analyse and solve the bottlenecks," stated Donner.

The Minister explained that contracts had been arranged with St. Maarten Medical Center (SMMC) and specialists in French St. Martin for people of St. Eustatius and Saba. Residents of Bonaire are being referred to hospitals in Aruba and Cura�ao.

Contracts are being made with the academic hospital in Guadeloupe for referrals for "top clinical and academic care" that exceed the capacity of hospitals in St. Maarten, Aruba and Cura�ao. Agreements are being prepared between France and the Netherlands to facilitate the practical aspects of this cooperation when it comes to immigration and administrative issues.

Patients already are being referred to Guadeloupe in anticipation of these agreements, explained Donner. More serious medical specialist care already has been arranged in Colombia. According to the Minister, access to these facilities has been "guaranteed for everyone." The start-up problems should gradually become a thing of the past, he added. The arrangements will be evaluated on a regular basis.

Two English-Dutch-French translators have been arranged for patients from St. Eustatius and Saba who need to go to Guadeloupe. In Colombia, patients are being seen by English-speaking specialists and personnel where possible.

The National Helicopters medical emergency evacuation helicopter in St. Maarten is now available 24/7. The helicopter service is mostly meant for Saba where no regular flights can land at night. Emergency lighting has been installed at Saba's airport through financing of the Dutch Ministry of Transport and Water Management VWS.


Tromso Energy efficiency Disability Psychology Terrorism policy Christina Aguilera

St. Maarten man to be tried for two murders

ROTTERDAM--The Public Prosecutor's Office in Rotterdam will prosecute a man from St. Maarten for a murder that he supposedly committed in the Netherlands, but also for a deadly 2001 shooting in St. Maarten.

The Prosecutor's Office announced this during a so-called pro-forma handling at the Rotterdam Courts on Tuesday. The 34-year-old man from St. Maarten has been charged with the killing of a 31-year-old man from Rotterdam in front of a Rotterdam police station on April 9 this year.

The shooting in St. Maarten took place in January 2001 and took the life of a 34-year-old man. A co-suspect has already been sentenced to 13 years in St. Maarten.

The suspect in the Netherlands, whose initials have not been released, presented himself at a police station in Rotterdam at the end of May. During the investigation, police discovered that he was also sought in connection with a murder in St. Maarten.

After his arrest, the Public Prosecutor's Office in St. Maarten requested their colleagues in Rotterdam to prosecute the man for the crime in St. Maarten. The man's file has been transferred from St. Maarten to Rotterdam.

A date for the trial will be determined once the suspect has been heard about the murder case in St. Maarten. It was not clear on Tuesday whether the trial can proceed in three months.


Mikel Arteta Lisa Allardice Francesca Panetta US supreme court Transfer window Canada

Disaster Management requests ?to closely monitor TS Maria?

page5a097PHILIPSBURG--The Office of Disaster Management (ODM) is advising the population of the South side of the island to monitor closely the progress of newly formed thirteenth storm of the season Tropical Storm (TS) Maria, which is approximately 1,000 miles from St. Maarten in the Eastern Atlantic Ocean.

TS Maria is moving at approximately 23 miles per hour on a Westerly track that will take it over our area over the weekend. A U.S. Air Force reconnaissance aircraft will reach the system late today to investigate it further.

Tropical storm watches (issued 48 hours prior to arrival of storm conditions) could be issued this morning for the islands of the Northeastern Caribbean, which include St. Maarten, but it is still too early to say what impact the storm will have on the local weather.

The 10 Emergency Support Functions (ESFs) of the island's disaster management system have been placed on standby and are monitoring closely the progress of TS Maria.

Residents are therefore advised to be prepared to take action if needed.

The ODM is also advising contractors, builders and subcontractors to review their plans of action to secure job sites quickly in the event of a passing tropical storm/hurricane. Materials such as plywood, shingles, zinc and other construction material could become flying missiles capable of impaling brick walls or anything in their way. Construction debris can cause severe damage to property and cost lives.

Food wholesalers and warehouse depots are requested to review their plans of action to secure their properties in the event of a storm/hurricane threat. Materials such as plywood, shipping pallets, food pallets and pieces of metal used to secure pallet shipments easily can become flying missiles and a threat.

The ODM will closely monitor the progress of Tropical Storm Maria and the public will be informed in future communications and advisories today and Friday.


Steve Coogan Biffy Clyro United Kingdom Recession Skiing Local politics

Gaza economy needs Palestinian unity

The Gaza strip is a city different from any other Arab city due to its ongoing conflicts with Israel, which have taken a toll on its infrastructure and economy.

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Post-traumatic stress disorder Student politics Entertainment David Lynch Reckitt Benckiser Rape

Barclays Wealth continues UHNW build-out in MENA

Barclays Wealth, a leading global wealth manager, today announced a further senior appointment to its expanding ultra high net worth (UHNW) team in the MENA region. Henry Hall, CFA joins as Managing Director and will be reporting to Stefanie Drews, Head of UHNW and Family Offices, UK & EMEA and Rory Gilbert, Head of Middle East and North Africa for International Private Banking.

Henry brings more than 20 years of experience in the banking sector to Barclays Wealth, having working with high net worth (HNW) and UHNW clients across the MENA region.

Henry Hall, the new Managing Director
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Redrow Andrew Cole Foreign policy Tony Cottee Conservation Credit cards

Report: Saleh didn't coordinate his return with Saudis

The Yemeni president last week unexpectedly returned home from Saudi Arabia, sparking protests and bloodshed. Now there are reports, his departure was not coordinated with the Saudi hosts.

� 2011 Al Bawaba (

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Simon Barker Lee Bowyer Stoke City TV ratings Public sector cuts Kevin Campbell

Sixth Annual AIDS awareness Red Ribbon campaign launched

Page3c102~ Aims to raise US $100,000 ~

PHILIPSBURG--Scotiabank launched its Sixth Annual Stronger Together Red Ribbon campaign on Wednesday with the goal of raising US $100,000 by the end of the campaign.

Scotiabank Country Manager Elie Bendaly announced during the launching ceremony that General Motors in collaboration with F.W. Vlaun and Son had donated a vehicle to be raffled as part of the package of events to raise money for AIDS awareness. Proceeds will go to St. Maarten AIDS Foundation.

The St. Maarten Rotary Club and Bendaly on behalf of Scotiabank were the first to donate to the Red Ribbon Campaign. Scotiabank donated US $5,000 and Rotary $3,825.

Bendaly said that while the goal set for this year would not be easy to achieve, he was confident that St Maarteners would continue to support the cause generously, as they understood that HIV/AIDS "is a problem that affects the entire community."

He reflected on the first campaign in September 2006 when the goal was US $15,000. He recalled the challenge issued at the time for more to be raised and said they had been able to raise more every year.

"Every year we have set our goal higher and every year we have met and surpassed it. When we began to think about last year's target, I suggested to Dr. Van Osch that we double our goal to $100,000. He shifted uncomfortably in his seat. ... After additional dialogue with him and the entire team we agreed to the $100,000 goal, developed an action plan and set to work once again."

Alluding to the theme for World AIDS Day this year "On the road to zero," St. Maarten AIDS Foundation President Dr. Gerard van Osch said the theme related not to the amount of money envisioned to be raised this year, but to the vision for the world, the region, the community.

"A world without new infections, those in need of care and treatment accessing that without restrictions, a world where stigma and discrimination against those living with HIV/AIDS has fully disappeared and, just as some generations ago who planned for a world without smallpox, a world without HIV or AIDS," he said.

"If you would have asked me this about five years ago I would have been quite sceptical for such a high-reaching goal, but today with developments in prevention, improvements in treatment and a growing acceptance that HIV is just another disease and those living with it are all equal to us and deserving of optimal care in a non-discriminatory way, I can actually say that indeed this zero goal is attainable ? if not in my lifetime most certainly in the next one or two generations to come.

"A tremendous amount of work has been done worldwide and also here in our community over the past two decades."

He said much had been done not in the spotlight, but behind the scenes, and some of the effects gradually were becoming visible.

He continued: "Although ignorance, stigma and discrimination are still quite present, some of it is also related to self-stigma and the need for persons living with HIV to feel and understand that the world around them is indeed changing in a positive direction. It's not happening overnight and we often wish it would change faster, but looking back and observing the present I certainly see many changes for the better."

He said a small stabilisation in new HIV confirmed diagnoses had been seen on the island over the past two years. However, he said, "because we live in a small society and the numbers are therefore relatively small (albeit large in proportion to our community), minor changes in small numbers have a major impact either way."

Prime Minister Sarah Wescot-Williams commended the team that fuels the campaign. She said that while this team provided the drive and motivation, it was the people of St. Maarten who collectively helped to raise the funds to help fight HIV/AIDS. She said government had always been supportive of the campaign and the government of Country St. Maarten would continue to back it "in spirit and I hope in support as well."

St. Maarten's HIV/AIDS Programme manager Suzette Moses-Burton said, "If we continue to focus on the negatives we might not be willing to see the positives.

And I mean this in every way possible. The danger, however, in seeing the positive changes, especially in a time when money is becoming a scarce commodity and economies are threatened, is that we become complacent. We think the problem is not all that big anymore, so maybe focus on something else."

She said that as someone working in this field for more than 20 years, she was aware that all the achievements of the past years were still extremely fragile and could be annihilated in the blink of one ignorant moment. "Therefore, we can't permit ourselves to sit back and think we're doing a pretty decent job, because much needs to change still ... and much needs to be done to make that happen."


Dolomites Radio industry Nuclear weapons Mergers and acquisitions Pensions Sri Lanka

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Three wounded in new attack on Egypt-Israel gas pipeline

Three persons were wounded in a new attack overnight on a pipeline supplying gas from Egypt to Israel, witnesses and Egyptian security sources said Tuesday. According to AFP, at least three gunmen in a van opened fire on a gas facility before a blast hit the pipeline near the town of al-Arish in the north of the Sinai peninsula, witnesses said.

It was the sixth such attack on the pipeline since Egypt's former president Hosni Mubarak was toppled in February.

Gas blast
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TV ratings Public sector cuts Kevin Campbell Theatre Mortgages Frank Lampard

Central Bank of Syria trying to protect its foreign assets

According to reports from informed sources, the Central Bank of Syria transferred assets from its accounts in Jordan, fearing a decision by the United Nations to freeze the Syrian regime?s funds. The Jordanian newspaper ?Arabs Today? added that the financial transactions made by the Syrian Central Bank this month were to transfer balances from the dollar to other currencies, as well as cash withdrawals and transfers from Jordanian banks to Syria.

Syrian president
� 2011 Al Bawaba (

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TV ratings Public sector cuts Kevin Campbell Theatre Mortgages Frank Lampard

40% of Egyptians still sympathize with Mubarak

A confidential report, supervised by the US Central Intelligence Agency, warned of violent actions by potential sympathizers with the ousted Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak. The report, prepared by psychologists and sociologists in the CIA?s center of studies and research information agency, stresses the danger, and affirms that about 40% of Egyptians still sympathize with Mubarak and his relatives. The report describes the president?s supporters as suffering from ?Stockholm Syndrome?.

� 2011 Al Bawaba (

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Financial sector Chalkboards Belarus Niclas Alexandersson Property ITV

Romain: Pending laws need to be assessed for impact on lives

PHILIPSBURG--United People's (UP) party faction leader Member of Parliament (MP) Romain Laville said at Monday's closing of the 2010-2011 Parliamentary Year that the stacks of draft laws pending approval by Parliament in the new year need to be assessed to see if they are the only ones that would have a huge impact on the lives of the people.

Laville said people often comment that Parliament has a lot of work to do, but what needs to be sorted out is the precise work load and the pressing concerns to be addressed. He said the condition of the people needs to be looked at to see if they are benefiting from the strides made so far. "Young people every single day are dying in the streets or fall victim to our prison system that has become a plantation for the young black men of this island."

Crime is of concern, with single mothers not feeling safe in their homes, people afraid to walk down the street without being robbed or injured, Laville said. "Who is responsible for this? Are we just sitting back and arguing with each other [about] who did, or didn't vote or not support. Or do we seriously want to make something of ourselves in Parliament."

He said it is not a matter of who's in government or in opposition, but that all 15 MPs are responsible for the growth of the nation. "Everyone sitting here today have their own agenda, their own beliefs, but is that agenda the agenda of the people of St. Maarten?"

St. Maarten is "on the brink of something we have never seen before" and MPs need to make sure proper laws and policies are in place. He agreed with comments from other faction leaders that there should not be more talk, but action. Such action, Laville said involves helping young people to start their own business with tax breaks of three to five years, the same as is afforded to big businesses.

Laville called for amendments that will exempt pensioners from taxes allowing them to take home their gross pension as well as implementing a pawn shop regulation.

As for the skyrocketing cost of living and spike in crime, Laville questioned whether these are linked to the Turnover Tax increase or an issue of exploitation of workers by businesses. He said MPs must put pressure on the Council of Ministers to bring changes whether or not they are from the same party because "the objective when we walk in here should be the people."

For the new parliamentary year, the UP faction leader called on MPs to vote together when passing the 2012 budget because it would contain policies to improve the lives of the people.

He acknowledged that the condition of the people is "gradually deteriorating" and MPs cannot continue to have their heads "in the slop trough trying to eat and see who will be the fattest" and not look up at the clouds and see if a storm is forming.

Parliamentarians can't deal with the issues of the country alone, he said, adding that businesses have to join in.


Amir Khan South Korea Global economy Supermarkets Mark Zuckerberg Gordon Brown

Economic Investment Plan to be developed by govt soon

PHILIPSBURG--Government will develop an "Economic Investment Plan" for its planned programmes and projects ahead of the formulation of the National Development Plan, Prime Minister Sarah Wescot-Williams (DP) told the press during Council of Ministers press briefing on Wednesday.

The development plan was announced by Governor Eugene Holiday in his speech on behalf of government at the opening of the new parliamentary year on Tuesday.

Wescot-Williams said the investment plan would further map out the timelines and funding sources for the United People's (UP) party-Democratic Party (DP) projects for the 2010-2014 governing term.

Her comments on Wednesday were coupled with the presentation to the press of copies of the UP-DP Governing Programme titled "A Foundation of Hope for Our Country ? A foundation built on strength, compassion and decisiveness."

Things ? economically and in the communities ? are "changing so rapidly" that government cannot "do things like wetting its thumb and putting it in the air"; data are needed, she said. "We remain optimistic that we will be able to overcome challenges that are in our path."

The Governing Programme has one error. On the page with government's organisational structure, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Youth and Sport is not listed. A correction will be made to remedy the omission, Wescot-Williams said.


Financial Services Authority (FSA) Xabi Alonso Obama administration Lloyds Banking Group Financial sector Chalkboards

Gibbs calls for ?real cooperation? between Dutch and French sides

~ Still tight-lipped on candidacy declaration ~

MARIGOT--Union for Democracy (UD) President Daniel Gibbs has expressed strong views on joint cooperation with the Dutch side and suggested that a type of "United Nations" commission comprising French- and Dutch-side officials would discourage divisive interests and be effective in "uniting" the island on common projects beneficial to both sides.

"I'm sick of hearing about cooperation and I'm the bad guy who doesn't cooperate," he said in an interview, on Friday. "When we have equal cooperation and not disadvantaged cooperation, that's the time I'll be willing to discuss matters. We've got to stop talking about cooperation during nice speeches on national holidays that see no follow-up action."

"I say a big bravo to the Dutch side for their developments and infrastructure, but there is also a French side that needs infrastructure and jobs; and businesses are needed. If we're talking cooperation, let's talk real cooperation in the sense of complementary product.

"If we do something, it must be in accordance with the Southern side," he continued. "And if they do something, it must be in accordance with the Northern side. We need to support each other. All these years we have been supporting the Dutch-side investment. So today I expect a minimum of respect, so our developments on the French side are not blocked, because this is what I'm hearing on the street. We are competitive, but we are also one island. I'm not prepared to accept one side as a ghost town and the other side developed."

Gibbs said a local United Nations type of commission would take decisions on common projects and facilitate a vision for development on either side. It would be an autonomous, self-governing structure.

"We need to do this also for security, social, urban, environmental and financial topics. If they (Dutch side) don't have our figures and we don't have theirs, we cannot fight against the problems we encounter. If what is in place on French and Dutch sides is not practically similar, we cannot have decent unity. I'm not saying everything has to be the same, but there must be a base there, so that you don't feel robbed by one side or the other."

He said there must also be a joint discussion on currency.

"We have to ask ourselves: 'Do we want to be in a dollar zone or a euro zone?' For once, let's get a sense, for the economy's sake, of what we want. We need to ask ourselves: 'Do we want to be united or stay separate, one side in Europe, the other a Pays Territorial d'Outre Mer (PTOM)? Which is better?' I don't have the answer, but the population needs to know the consequences of either policy. If we don't solve this question in 2012, we will always be having this disparity and non-conformity issues between the two sides."

While the UD movement is so far the only group keen to publicise in the Dutch-side press its vision for St. Martin, Gibbs himself is reluctant to declare himself a candidate for the 2012 Territorial Elections.

Pressed on why he doesn't formally announce it, his response neither confirmed nor denied his candidacy.

"We said we would not talk about candidacy without having certain elements in our hands. The work I have been doing with UD I have been doing since 2001. When all the ingredients I have evoked are put together, that will be the time for UD to present or support a candidate. I don't come out with projects unless I fulfil all the different stages and studies. I'm not saying I won't be a candidate. I'm just saying I need to have the minimum ingredients that I and my colleagues want, in order to have a credible candidacy."

Gibbs also discussed economic development, tourism, the youth and security and he has suggested that the Territorial Police be armed.

The much-hyped waterfront projects appear to be on hold and there is nothing forthcoming with regard to the Collectivit�'s plans. Gibbs said Group Jutras had been asked to keep its project on hold until the elections have taken place.

According to UD, its movement has 300 members and in the past six months, Gibbs and colleagues have met some 2,000 members of the public in their homes.

"Everywhere we feel the need for change, a determination that politics have to be done differently than in the past. ... The ruling of a minority of very wealthy persons working in their own interests has to be stopped," he said.


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Two men jailed for shooting incident

MARIGOT--Two persons 21 and 25 years have been imprisoned for attempted homicide following a shooting incident in Galis Bay on August 28 at around 8:00pm, the Gendarmerie reported.

The incident stemmed from an argument between the two that led to both drawing guns and firing at each other. Fortunately none of the shots were fatal. The two individuals were identified a few days later and taken into custody on September 8.

One was sentenced to eight months in prison with six months suspended and the other ten months in prison with six months suspended.

The gendarmerie also reported that on September 17, a 21-year-old was placed in provisional detention in connection with armed robbery attempts in Marigot on June 11. On that day the suspect was believed to be involved in a failed robbery attempt on the Change Point on Rue de Saint James around 2:45pm.

Although shots were fired inside the office, no one was injured thanks to the security screens. Several minutes later, the same suspect with accomplices robbed the cashier of a Chinese supermarket further down the road.

After several weeks of investigation, detectives were able to identify the said suspect and he was arrested at dawn at his house in Sandy Ground on September 15.


Burlesque China Weekend breaks Ryan Babel United Nations Madagascar

Government to create new National Development Plan

~ Governor tells Parliament ~

PHILIPSBURG--A National Development Plan, a successor to the Multi-Annual Policy Plan (MAPP), will be undertaken by government post haste and will require broad private-sector input and support, Governor Eugene Holiday said in his presentation of government's plans at the opening of the new Parliamentary Year on Tuesday.

Speaking in Parliament House, Holiday said government realised that national long-term planning "can no longer be postponed."

Through this National Development Plan, government will continue to promote economic growth through investments in public programmes and by creating an enabling environment for business development.

"Government sees a market which promotes competition; a market where market forces compete fairly; a market in which clear rules and incentives for good corporate citizenship apply; and a market guided by government through dialogue and enabling legislation," he said.

He added that in developing this plan consideration would be given to the fact that the traditional view of stay-over tourism product as the prime engine of growth was a mature one and the need to encourage property owners to upgrade their properties was ever present.

More attention is warranted for the market of condominium development, the governor said.

"Noteworthy in this context is that the cruise product continues to hold its own and has bridged the rather sluggish global economic conditions and their effects on the region. Additionally, other areas such as the marine trade industry continue to hold their own and demonstrate further growth potential."

To support its socio-economic development, Holiday said it was essential that St. Maarten invest in the maintenance of a durable weather-proven economic infrastructure comprising adequate housing, a good road network, modern sea- and airports, adequate lighting, proper drainage and efficient waste disposal.

Government has embarked on the implementation of a road and drainage maintenance programme. "Notwithstanding the budgetary challenges, neighbourhood development is a priority of government for this governing term."

Waste disposal improvement and furtherance of a modern waste disposal plant in St. Maarten are under consideration.

The government commissioned the project "St. Maarten Housing Vision 2012-2017" recently. The goal is to develop a five-year policy plan for housing with specific attention for lower- and middle-income categories. The project also will address the legislation governing housing, with the goal of improving the overall quality of housing.

In addition, the governor said government intended to pursue the creation of a development bank or have an institution serve as such by tapping into the available revenue streams. "This becomes even more pressing as traditional development aid from the Netherlands is being phased out. Associated with this idea is the creation of a financing agency for social programmes, as a successor for Reda Sosial in St. Maarten."

As government invests in the economic infrastructure, it is cognizant that the environmental health of the country is "delicate." Holiday said a "green" vision of government for sustainability was therefore one of careful balancing. "The zoning of the island has taken on renewed impetus, and the management of waste water and refuse is a top priority."

With Simpson Bay Lagoon Authority Corporation's (SLAC's) commitment to improved management of the lagoon and the imminent cleanup of Great Salt Pond, the governor said these two vital water areas would be given "new breath."

He said government "supports and encourages the use of alternative energy sources."


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St. Maarten man to be tried for two murders

ROTTERDAM--The Public Prosecutor's Office in Rotterdam will prosecute a man from St. Maarten for a murder that he supposedly committed in the Netherlands, but also for a deadly 2001 shooting in St. Maarten.

The Prosecutor's Office announced this during a so-called pro-forma handling at the Rotterdam Courts on Tuesday. The 34-year-old man from St. Maarten has been charged with the killing of a 31-year-old man from Rotterdam in front of a Rotterdam police station on April 9 this year.

The shooting in St. Maarten took place in January 2001 and took the life of a 34-year-old man. A co-suspect has already been sentenced to 13 years in St. Maarten.

The suspect in the Netherlands, whose initials have not been released, presented himself at a police station in Rotterdam at the end of May. During the investigation, police discovered that he was also sought in connection with a murder in St. Maarten.

After his arrest, the Public Prosecutor's Office in St. Maarten requested their colleagues in Rotterdam to prosecute the man for the crime in St. Maarten. The man's file has been transferred from St. Maarten to Rotterdam.

A date for the trial will be determined once the suspect has been heard about the murder case in St. Maarten. It was not clear on Tuesday whether the trial can proceed in three months.


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Sony Ericsson introduces Xperia arc S in the UAE

Sony Ericsson today announced the Middle East launch of Xperia arc S, the fastest and the most entertaining smartphone from the Xperia family. The award-winning Xperia arc S comes with a 1.4GHz processor, delivering 25 per cent faster camera start up and media conversion, as well as 20 per cent quicker web page rendering compared to Xperia arc. 

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Gay and lesbian travel Household bills Chelsea Communities Burlesque China

United Nations General Assembly

page3c110Prime Minister Sarah Wescot-Williams and Cura�ao Prime Minister Gerritt Schotte attended the recently held United Nations General Assembly in New York as members of the Dutch Kingdom delegation. Among issues brought up during the General Assembly was President Mahmoud Abbas of the Palestinian Authority formally requesting full United Nations membership as a path toward statehood, rejecting arguments by the United States and Israel that it was not a substitute for direct negotiations for peace in the Middle East. Abbas handed a letter requesting the membership to Ban Ki-moon, the United Nations Secretary General, before delivering his speech at the annual General Assembly. Mr. Ban will submit the request to the Security Council. (Ramsay Soemanta photo)


Norway Alexander Litvinenko London Neal Ardley Motherwell Luis Moreno-Ocampo

World Bank expects regional economies to grow by 4.1%

The World Bank released a report regarding growth forecasts in the MENA region this year, saying that economies in the Middle East and North Africa will see growth of 4.1 per cent in 2011 and 3.8 per cent in 2012.

World Bank
� 2011 Al Bawaba (

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Milan Baros Economic policy Environmental sustainability Roberto Mancini JLS Protest

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Tropical Storm Maria

page1b098The centre of Tropical Storm Maria at 11:00pm last night was located near latitude 13.3 north and longitude 54.0 west, or about 430 miles east of the Eastern Caribbean. It was moving west (275 degrees) near 21 miles per hour and this general motion was expected to continue, with a turn toward the west-northwest Friday and the northwest Saturday. Maximum sustained winds were near 40 miles per hour with higher gusts and of tropical storm force outward up to 175 miles from the centre. Maria was forecast to weaken to a Tropical Depression and pass 140 miles south of St. Maarten as such at 8:00am on Saturday but expected to re-strengthen at some point, so storm warnings are in effect for the local area. The Met Office predicted between 2 and 4 inches of rainfall and possible local flooding in low lying areas between Saturday and Sunday morning, northeast winds of 40 to 50 miles per hour with perhaps a few gusts of up to 55 and gradually shifting southeast, as well as rough seas that will slowly subside on Sunday.


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