Saturday, September 24, 2011

Schotte: CFT must not meddle in policy affairs

WILLEMSTAD--The Committee for Financial Supervision CFT should keep itself busy with figures and leave policy matters to the Cura�ao Government.

That?s how Prime Minister Gerrit Schotte reacted in the Central Committee of Parliament to the recent negative CFT advice on the draft 2012 budget.

The MFK-leader blamed the former PAR-led coalition, which had not introduced a dividend policy for government-owned companies as CFT now requests. ?The former government only calculated what the companies could produce on an annual basis, but never collected.?

CFT had also criticised the use of a windfall from the Kingdom Tax Regulation BRK to cover the deficit. Schotte maintained that his cabinet?s policy is to use incidental revenues for incidental cost and only structural income for structural expenses.

However, in its reply to the Advisory Council the Council of Ministers had indicated that the BRK-monies would be used for ?outstanding obligations? and ?policy intensification.? Schotte said it involves 192.6 million guilders, of which 25 million will be used to compensate for the setback of 25 million in dividends from government companies that can?t be collected, while the rest is to be distributed among the various ministries.


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