Saturday, December 24, 2011

Most Dutch MPs favour Cura�ao independence

Page10A174THE HAGUE--A majority in the Second Chamber supports independence for Cura�ao. The liberal democratic VVD party, Labour Party PvdA, Socialist Party (SP) and Party for Freedom PVV considered it "good news" that the Schotte cabinet was seeking more autonomy.

"We are most willing to cooperate, but it shouldn't cost us a dime," said Member of Parliament (MP) Ronald van Raak of the SP in Thursday's debate with Dutch Minister of Home Affairs and Kingdom Relations Piet Hein Donner.

A headline in Thursday's De Volkskrant newspaper stated that Cura�ao wanting independence pleased the four large parties in Dutch Parliament. "We support Cura�ao's desire for independence. Let's make it as quick as possible," said Andr� Bosman of the VVD.

"It was almost celebration time at the PVV. We almost got out the festive decorations and we were ready to buy cake," said Eric Lucassen of the PVV. "But unfortunately it is only empty talk from the regime in Willemstad. Cura�ao will not immediately get out of the Kingdom. They only want less supervision by the Netherlands after the money has already been wired," he added.

Cura�ao Prime Minister Gerrit Schotte announced this week that he will seek cancellation of the Kingdom Consensus Law of Financial Supervision at the Kingdom Conference in The Hague next Wednesday. St. Maarten also wants to get rid of financial supervision.

For a majority in the Dutch Parliament, no financial supervision means getting out of the Kingdom as this goes against the agreements that were made to reorganise the Antillean debt and to establish new relations in the Kingdom with effect from October 10, 2010

Martijn van Dam of the PvdA was determined that Cura�ao should leave now: "There is only one road. Independence should happen immediately and not after a few years," he said. According to Van Dam, Cura�ao did not stick to any agreement, including having an independent integrity investigation and presenting a balanced budget. "You're either in or you're out."

Van Dam added that it was not up to him to proclaim Cura�ao's independence. The people will have to speak first through a referendum, he said. Bosman said the VVD supported further emancipation of Cura�ao, since "truly balanced" relations are only possible when Cura�ao was independent.

Republic of Cura�ao

Bosman painted a cynical picture of an independent Cura�ao. "I see it before me: the first President of the Republic of Cura�ao, together with Vice-president Helmin Wiels travelling first class to the United Nations in New York where he will complain about the colonialists in the world and especially the Netherlands. Schotte will speak of Cura�ao's victory and how successful it became after independence. I don't want to take away that success from Cura�ao," said Bosman.

Minister Donner said that as "Kingdom Minister" he stood for "unity." On a personal note, he added: "I would consider it an impoverishment if the Caribbean islands were no longer part of the Kingdom."

Donner said the Dutch Caribbean countries could always choose independence if they so desired. "But that is an extensive process. I don't consider it opportune or useful to take a position on this now," he said.

The Christian Democratic Party CDA and the green left party GroenLinks did not support the stance of VVD, PvdA, PVV and SP for independence. Bas Jan van Bochove of CDA said he refused to be part of a "getting rid of them" discussion. He guessed that the majority of the Cura�ao people preferred to remain in the Kingdom.

Sharp teeth

Ineke van Gent of GroenLinks wondered if the "showing of sharp teeth" by members of the Dutch Parliament was in the best interest of the Cura�ao people. She lamented the "goodbye good riddance discussion."

"Words are getting bigger while the situation of the Cura�ao people becomes worse. I am not making the choice for independence now," said Van Gent.

Wassila Hachchi of democrats D66 considered the discussion on integrity and good governance of the Cura�ao Government more urgent. She said there was work to be done in this area and stressed the need for a proper investigation, as was recommended by the Rosenm�ller integrity committee. "A solid investigation is primarily in the interest of the people there. Good governance is of fundamental importance for Cura�ao's future," she said.

Hachchi said Minister Donner seemed to downplay the Rosenm�ller report by taking satisfaction in Cura�ao's promise that it would have Transparency International (TI) carry out a general integrity assessment. Donner assured Parliament that he too was "concerned" about integrity in Cura�ao.

Several MP's sought clarity from Donner on the TI assessment and the fact that this analysis would not focus on individual members of the Schotte cabinet. They wanted to know to what extent the TI assessment would observe the recommendations of the Rosenm�ller integrity committee.

Parliament said they intended to keep a close eye on the announced assessment by TI. "The proof of the pudding is in the eating. What matters is what Cura�ao will do with the recommendations by Transparency International," said Van Bochove (CDA).

Credibility at stake

Van Gent (GL) said the matter was urgent and merited Donner's active involvement. "A weak intermediate proposal to keep the peace does not serve any purpose," she said. Van Dam (PvdA) said Cura�ao had to be forced. He said the credibility of the Kingdom was at stake. "We surpass the Charter if we accept this," he said.

Van Raak (SP) and Lucassen (PVV) repeated their call for an independent investigation, preferably by the Dutch National Detectives. They said leaving the solution of integrity and good governance up to the Cura�ao Government would not work. "You are making a pyromaniac chief of the fire department. This way the Kingdom can never live up to its responsibility for good governance," said Van Raak.

Lucassen criticised the laid-back attitude of the Kingdom Council of Ministers in the matter. "A few weeks ago the Council seemed a growling tiger, ready for action. But after a make-over the Council became a lazy house cat, a Garfield who agrees with all," he said.

He said TI could never take the place of the responsibility of the Kingdom.

Dissatisfied with the answers by Minister Donner, Lucassen and Van Dam requested a second debate on the integrity investigation. Lucassen announced that he will consider submitting a motion during that meeting. (Suzanne Koelega)


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