Friday, February 24, 2012

Stein appointed Solicitor-General

THE HAGUE--Former St. Maarten Public Prosecutor Taco Stein has been appointed Solicitor-General for the Windward Islands.

The Dutch Council of Ministers on Friday approved Stein's appointment based on a proposal of Minister of Safety and Justice Ivo Opstelten.

Stein will be stationed at the office of the Attorney-General in St. Maarten, but will also work on behalf of the Dutch 'public entities' St. Eustatius and Saba.

Stein (1951) currently works as Attorney-General in Aruba. He has already worked in St. Maarten twice before, both times at the Public Prosecutor's Office.


Milan Baros Economic policy Environmental sustainability Roberto Mancini JLS Protest

Council of Ministers visit

page3b235Sixth-graders of M. Genevieve de Weever Primary School visited the Council of Ministers on Tuesday in preparation of the Cycle II final examination. They are learning about government, so the school took the initiative to organize the visit. After brief introductions by all seven ministers, the pupils asked questions about power outages, the electoral system, fuel shortage at the airport and maintenance of streetlights. In photo: the pupils and teachers and government support staff and ministers. (Photo DCOMM)


Radio industry Nuclear weapons Mergers and acquisitions Pensions Sri Lanka Roy Hodgson

More Lankans arrive from Togo

Another group of 30 Sri Lankans stranded in the West African nation of Togo arrived in the country a short while ago, officials at the Katunayake International Airport said.

They said the group that included five women and two children arrived on a scheduled flight from the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

Earlier another 106 Lankans who were stranded in that country arrived in separate batches from the start of this year.

Morethan 200 Sri Lankans were were dumped in Togo by human traffickers with a promise of a safe passage to Canada in return for large sums of money.

Most of the victims were from the eastern town of Batticoloa.


Amir Khan South Korea Global economy Supermarkets Mark Zuckerberg Gordon Brown

Applications open for the ITEC scholarship

PHILIPSBURG--The Embassy of India in Caracas, Venezuela, recently offered a full scholarship to a St. Maarten student in the context of the friendly cooperation programme launched in 1964, by the Government of India in which some 156 countries currently participate.

To choose the candidate for this India Technical and Economic Cooperation (ITEC) scholarship, the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports and Youth Affairs, Rhoda Arrindell has decided to invite suitable candidates to apply for nomination for the scholarship, which will include all expenditures such as airfare, course fee, accommodation, allowances and more being taken care of by the Government of India for the selected candidate.

Applicants must fulfil the admission criteria for the courses they intend to study, must have a working knowledge of English needed to follow the Course, must be between 25 to 45 years of age, and they must be medically fit to undertake the training.

Government officials, persons from the Public and Private Sectors, Universities, Chambers of Commerce and Industry may apply for the scholarship.

Application forms can be obtained online at:

Details about the ITEC programme and the list of courses are also available at the website:

The forms must be filled in carefully, without leaving any column incomplete or blank. An undertaking by the applicant and certification from his/her employer (Part II of Application Form) are mandatory.

The duly completed forms must be submitted no later than Monday March 5, 2012, to the Head of Study Financing Division, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports and Youth Affairs, Vlaun Building #3, N. Debrot Street, Philipsburg, St. Martin.

The decision to accept applications/nominations or not rests solely with the Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India, it was stated in a press release issued on Wednesday.


Canada Science fiction Cricket Ireland Paul Myners Tromso

Argentine claims of Falklands’ ‘militarization’ is ‘unfounded and baseless’

Ambassador Lyall-Grant sent a letter to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon explaining Falklands’ British sovereignty  Argentine claims that the UK is ‘militarizing’ the South Atlantic and the Falklands are ‘unfounded’ and ‘baseless’ according to a letter from British ambassador Mark Lyall-Grant addressed to the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon.


Sri Lanka Roy Hodgson Highlands Slovakia European debt crisis Peter Crouch

IAEA mission fails as Iran says no need for atomic bomb

The Islamic Republic has denied international inspectors access to suspected nuclear sites. On Wednesday, the International Energy Agency (IAEA) announced that it was unable to access the site of Parchin, suspected of harboring nuclear weapons program in the country. This marks the failure of IAEA mission in the Islamic Republic. The inspectors returned to Vienna, the IAEA's headquarters.

Nuclear site
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Simon Barker Lee Bowyer Stoke City TV ratings Public sector cuts Kevin Campbell

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Two Indians arrested at the BIA

An Indian  wife and husband combination were nabbed at the Air port customs for bringing a carton of cigarettes and 90 kilos of cardaman. . The carton contained 28000 cigarettes. No duty had been paid for these items. Police said that the couple who lives

around Jaela  must have brought them for business.  



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MPs to further delve into changes to Bankruptcy Law

PHILIPSBURG--Monday’s Central Committee hearing on pending changes to the Bankruptcy Law (1931) gave way to the need for better protection of workers’ rights and to halt the practice of businesses filing for bankruptcy only to reopen under another name to carry out the same services immediately after.

  Members of Parliament (MPs) questioned Bar Association President Remco Stomp and association representative Hendrich Seferina, as well as St. Maarten Chamber of Commerce and Industry President Arthur Bute, Vice President Ludwig Ouenniche and Treasurer Abdul Meyers about their take on the law changes.

  Due to concerns raised by MPs, President of Parliament said in order not to halt the dealing with the draft at this stage, discussions should continue in the Parliament’s Permanent Committees for Finance and Justice.

  Stomp explained that the most important change was the prevention of companies moving money and/or assets into a trust company if they anticipated bankruptcy proceedings. He said this was most welcome, as it would protect the interest of the creditors who, if the assets were moved, would suffer losses, while the company representatives could restart operations under another name and licence.

  The change would allow trustees to review a 40-day period prior to the bankruptcy filing to determine whether assets had been hidden. Stomp said this period is too short and suggested that this be increased to a year. 

  Bute said that the changes would not affect the operations of the Chamber, because it basically had to follow the court’s verdict if a company had been declared bankrupt and make adjustments to its business registry. A total of 84 businesses went bankrupt in 2011, according toBute.

  Elaborating further, Ouenniche said the Chamber’s role had already been regulated concerning bankruptcies and court orders under the former Netherlands Antilles. He said the Chamber has been complying with the regulations that govern it.

  United People’s (UP) party MP Jules James’ questions about the common occurrences in bankruptcy proceedings sparked a discussion and veiled references from other MPs to the bankruptcy of Pelican Resort and the opening of Simpson Bay Resort in its place. James is the resort’s General Manager. 

  MP Johan Leonard (UP) asked about what protection the law provides for workers of bankrupt companies.  Stomp said with a bankruptcy proceeding, workers were simply out of a job.

  MP Leroy de Weever (Democratic Party) enquired what Parliament could do to put employees in “a favourable position.” Seferina answered that a salary guarantee system, as in place in The Netherlands, could be looked into. The system could see to it that workers continue to get a salary during a bankruptcy proceeding. The fund for the employees could be paid back into the system once the trustees have cleared debts to the main creditors.  

  MP Louie Laveist (National Alliance) also had concerns about the protection of employees in cases of bankruptcy. He further asked about the practice of companies to buy assets of a connected company in bankruptcy cases and to continue with the business without much interruption.

  Seferina and Ouenniche said this practice was seen throughout the business world. Ouenniche said it was more visible in St. Maarten because of the close-knit community.

  Bute suggested that the tripartite labour committee as well as unions be heard on the issue of bankruptcy.

  MP Dr. Lloyd Richardson (NA) asked Stomp if he was satisfied with the way bankruptcies were handled. Stomp said that MPs made the laws and attorneys had to live with them.

  MP Silvia Meyers-Olivacce (UP) called on fellow MPs to work on going deeper into details of the bankruptcy law and to find ways to protect the workers.   

  Pantophlet and others were also interested in this further review.


South Korea Global economy Supermarkets Mark Zuckerberg Gordon Brown Allen Stanford

At least 21 dead in Syria most of them in Homs

At least 21 people were killed Tuesday in Syria, including 19 by bombings in Homs' neighborhood of Bab Amr, where further troop reinforcements were dispatched, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

Thirteen people, including a woman and three children, were killed in the heavy bombardment of the rebel district of Bab Amr, pounded for the past 18 days, said the London-based body. The neighborhoods of Karm el-Khaldiyé and Zaitoune were also the target of bombing for more than two hours Tuesday morning, it added.

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Polycom’s Ron Myers Recognized as One of CRN’s 2012 Channel Chiefs

Polycom, Inc., the global leader in standards-based unified communications (UC), today announced Ron Myers, senior vice president, Global Channels, Polycom, has been named one of CRN’s 2012 Channel Chiefs. This prestigious list of the most influential and powerful leaders in the IT channel recognizes those executives directly responsible for driving channel sales and growth within their organization, while evangelizing and defending the importance of the channel throughout the entire IT Industry. 

Ron Myers, senior vice president, Global Channels, Polycom
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The Covert US War Against Syria

by Stuart Jeanne Bramhall / People may have noticed that the official narrative concerning Syria changes on a daily basis – except for continuing to heap contempt and scorn on the Russians and Chinese for their Security Council veto. To be frank, this veto makes more and more sense as events on the ground unmask US culpability in the civil war in Syria. Yes, civil war. That’s what you call it when an armed resistance takes up arms against a sovereign government. The interim report by the Arab League Observer Mission (although the Arab League declined to “approve” the report, it was leaked) clearly confirms the presence of an “armed entity” in Syria. Detailed descriptions of militants firing on government forces, as well as planting bombs and blowing up government and civilian infrastructure tend to support Assad’s claims that militant Islamists are attempting to overthrow his government. You can read the Report of Arab League Observer Mission for yourself on the Columbia University websiteAt first the Obama administration explained all this away by asserting that Syrian’s nonviolent protestors had become so frustrated with Assad’s intransigence that they joined forces with defectors from the Syrian Army. A day and a half ago, when two bomb blasts in Alepo killed twenty-five people, we were told the Syrian government had done this in a devious ploy to discredit the Free Syrian Army. This story wouldn’t wash after militants assassinated a Syrian general, a doctor responsible for running a military hospital in Damascus. Now the current line is that Iraqi members of Al Qaeda are taking advantage of Syrian civil unrest to cross the border and become Syrian Al QaedaNATO Support for Syria’s Armed MilitantsThe problem with this new version of events is that a number of credible Middle East analysts, including former FBI interpreter and whistle blower Sibel Edmunds, former CIA officer Philip Giraldi, British author and foreign correspondent John R. Bradley, and Canadian economist and globalization analyst Michel Chossudovsky have been reporting on Syrian’s armed resistance for many months. Moreover all four also cite a growing body of credible evidence that the US, Turkey and other NATO forces, along with Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Qatar are supplying these armed militants with funding, arms and training.Edmonds first broke the story last November that the US and NATO were involved in arming and training Syrian militants. On November 21, 2011 sources in Turkey informed her of the presence of secret training camps at the US air force base in Incirlik. They were reportedly established in April-May 2011 to organize and expand the dissident base in Syria. According to her sources, these support activities included smuggling US weapons into Syria, participating in US psychological warfare inside Syria and opening a humanitarian/medical corridor between Syria and Turkey to assist opposition groups.On December 11 she reported, based on Jordanian sources that included a Jordanian military officer, that hundreds of foreign speaking troops had been observed near the Jordan-Syria border. Her informants also revealed that NATO had established a second secret training camp near Mafraq, Jordan to train the armed wing of Syria’s Islamic brotherhood. She was also informed, by a London-based Iraqi reporter, that an unknown number of US troops had been deployed from Iraq to Mafraq Jordan.Eight days later former CIA officer Philip Geraldi essentially confirmed Edmonds’ assertions in NATO vs Syria. This was an article he wrote for the American Conservative, based on information leaked by CIA analysts concerned by the Obama administration’s apparent “march to war” in Syria. According to Geraldi, the CIA was refusing to sign off on the frequently cited UN report that more than 3,500 civilians had been killed by Assad’s soldiers. In their view, this information was based on rebel sources and uncorroborated. They also asserted that the Syrian government’s claims of being assaulted by rebels armed, trained, and financed by foreign governments were more true than false.Unnamed CIA sources also informed him that NATO warplanes were arriving at Turkish military bases near Iskenderum on the Syrian border, with weapons from the late Muammar Gaddafi’s arsenals, as well as volunteers from the Libyan Transitional National Council. There, the latter, along with French and British special forces, engaged in training members of the Free Syrian Army. Reportedly the CIA and US Special Ops role in all this was to provide communications assistance and intelligence.Popular Support for Syria’s Secular GovernmentAccording to John R Bradley, author of After the Arab Revolution and the only analyst to predict the ...


Xabi Alonso Obama administration Lloyds Banking Group Financial sector Chalkboards Belarus

A world of economic contradictions

- Fadi Abboud- There has been a well-known story circulating for over a decade that demonstrates the capability of the human mind to find ways to do less and gain more. It concerns an American university professor who taught his students about socialism through a class experiment by averaging their grades so that no one would fail.With every exam, the efforts of the hard-working students declined in reaction to their less enthusiastic friends and the average grade declined incrementally until it reached a point where all the students failed.As a counter-argument to the students’ protests, the professor told them that socialism would also ultimately fail because without rewards no one will want to try, let alone succeed, whereas when the reward is great, the effort to succeed is great.The moral of the story can be applied to any government through common sense and progressive political thinking. It is impossible to strip the wealthy of their prosperity and redistribute it to the poor. As the resour ces of the government are limited, it is only natural that sacrifices must be made by many layers of society to provide the funds necessary to ensure welfare.When one side sees they are prospering from the work of others, it is only natural that they lose any will to work themselves. And as they reap the benefits from others’ work, the working side will lose any incentive to contribute in light of the injustice occurring from their point of view.For Leba non, the answer lies in multiplying wealth through the creation of opportunities by introducing research and development programs that will ultimately stimulate economic growth and encourage the youth to increase their stake in the nation’s future. Multiplying wealth has never succeeded by dividing wealth.Furthermore, by allowing the government to find new sources of funding without resorting to direct taxation of income, thus bypassing socialist principles in favor of more passive methods of taxation, Lebanon can succeed in empowering its youth and advancing its economy.Two questions inevitably arise from two opposite perspectives. The hard-working, wealthy individuals will wonder whether there is justice in tapping their earnings for the benefit of complete strangers. The opposing levels of society will resort to the same call for justice by claiming that they are even more deserving of their nation’s wealth on any number of grounds ranging from governmental inadequacy to corruption and basic human rights.It is time to rethink the socialist model applied to Lebanon without leaving the perceived model of a free economy unchecked. T he state of stagnation that swells in Lebanon’s economy contradicts the liberal economy open to the world, as was the case with prosperous countries such as Brazil and Turkey, which have forsaken socialism altogether for a mixed system of free market economics.The fact of the matter is that Lebanon’s economy is closed from the inside, just like the minds of those who have no opportunity or incentive to create or utilize their full potential.However, Lebanon has the potential to become a regional hub and this has every possibility of becoming a reality given the high level of Lebanon’s education and the existence of know-how that could attract investment from abroad and turn the nation into a solid contender on the global stage.With calm prevailing in the country since 2008, the relatively low impact of the world financial crisis, its highly skilled workforce, strategic geographic positioning and stable currency, Lebanon has had every opportunity of becoming a serious economic competitor to any nation in any sector of industry and all service sectors.The Lebanese banking sector has survived the global financial crisis in no small part due to the fact that its interest rate spread remains at 2.1 percent, which makes the country a very attractive location for financial operations.But this has done little to aid the Lebanese economy, which remains heavily dependent on the services sector and merchandise trade, while struggling with an official unemployment rate of 10 percent, which in reality stands at well above 20 percent.Furthermore, it is simply unsustainable to exist in an economy of 6 percent inflation, which keeps on rising, with growth dwindling by 2.5 percent annually, according to the International Monetary Fund. Considering that the MENA region’s growth stands at an average of 3.6 percent, it is certain that Lebanon’s economic situation can achieve and even surpass these values.It is the obligation of the government to stimulate the economy and to give the people opportunities to ex pand and invest. New ways must be found to fight corruption and reform one of the most inefficient governing syst ...


Dorset War crimes Tuition fees Energy bills Iain Chambers Annuities

Emirates promotes newcastle to a Boeing 777

Emirates, one of the world's fastest growing airlines, will add more than 2,000 seats a week to and from Newcastle when it introduces a larger aircraft on its daily flight to Dubai from 1st September.

A 428-seat Boeing 777-300ER, the longest aircraft to ever operate from Newcastle, will replace a 278-seat Airbus A330-200 on the route - a capacity increase of more than 50 per cent.

The upgrade comes on the fifth anniversary of the route's launch. Since 1st September, 2007, almost 700,000 passengers have travelled with Emirates to and from the North East.

Emirates Airline
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Why employees hate their bosses?

One in three employees do not consider their boss to be doing an effective job, while almost half of workers think they could do their boss' job better than them, a new study has revealed.

The survey was conducted by talent management expert DDI as a way to determine what today's leaders are doing right and what they are doing wrong. The research also found that fewer than 40 percent of employees are motivated by their supervisor to give their best effort.

Much of the dissatisfaction stems from supervisors' unwillingness to listen to their employees
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Aston villa Boxing City breaks Endangered species Stan Collymore Alps

Syrian regime: We are not responsible for death of journalists in Homs

Damascus denied on Thursday any responsibility for the death of two Western journalists in the Syrian rebel city of Homs. "We refuse to endorse statements that make Syria responsible for the deaths of journalists who have infiltrated its territory under their own responsibility, "responded the Foreign Ministry, quoted by state television.

Dead reporters
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Reports: Israeli commandos act in Syria, Jihadists on Jordan border

Confessions made by Turkish officers arrested in Syria last week reveal that Tel Aviv is involved in the insurgency led by "armed gangs" in the country to overthrow the regime of Bashar Assad, an Iranian news agency reported.

The correspondent of the Iranian Fars News Agency in Damascus, citing Syrian security sources, claimed that seven out of the 49 Turkish officers arrested, have admitted being trained by the Israeli Mossad, to carry out terrorist operations. They also claim to have initiated contacts with Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

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Science fiction Cricket Ireland Paul Myners Tromso Energy efficiency

Mujica says presence of Prince William in Malvinas is not a ‘nice’ gesture

Uruguay’s president underlines support for Argentina’s claim Uruguayan president Jose Mujica said that the presence of Prince William, heir to the British Crown, in the Malvinas Islands is a gesture “not at all nice” and called for the dispute with Argentina not to become military because it’s no good for anybody, least for the region.


Chalkboards Belarus Niclas Alexandersson Property ITV Tottenham Hotspur

When Netanyahu Crossed the Line

By Deepak Tripathi

The bombing of an Israeli embassy car in Delhi threatens India's diplomatic maneuvers between Israel and Iran, and has put India's discreetly nurtured ties with Israel since 1992 through a severe test. Those who are attracted to Israel’s depiction of Iran as a terrorist threat to world peace would do well to read historian Mark Perry’s account, revealing that Israel is recruiting, and collaborating with, terrorist groups in a secret war with Iran. That low-level conflict is spreading. Israel’s latest reaction should be seen in the light of Perry’s revelations.

The Israeli government’s hasty and aggressive posture following the Delhi bombing has caused offense in the Indian capital. Officials in Delhi have made plain that India will not be recruited into the anti-Iran alliance under Israeli–U.S. pressure. India will not allow “Washington, the Jewish lobby and much of Europe to push the country into a corner” over Iran. How India conducts its ties with that country dating back to ancient times is its business. Furthermore, police investigations into the bombing cannot be rushed to suit external interests. The law of the land must take its course.

What particularly irked Indian officials was that immediately after the Delhi bomb (another device was defused by Georgian police in Tbilisi on the same day), Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel sought to upstage India’s police investigations into the incident. Netanyahu described the Iranian government as the world’s “largest terror exporter” and Hezbollah in Lebanon as Iran’s “protégé.” Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman went further saying, “We know exactly who is responsible for the attack and who planned it, and we’re not going to take it lying down.”

As if that was not enough. Israel’s Energy and Water Resources Minister Uri Landau intervened with his own comment, calling “India’s support for the Palestinians at the UN a mistake,” and that he intended to “persuade” the Indians to change their stand. And Israel reportedly asked India to help sponsor a resolution against Iran in the UN Security Council, of which India is an elected member at present.

A full-scale Israeli offensive to force a complete overhaul of Indian foreign policy was under way. In the unlikely scenario of it happening, such an event would be a geopolitical earthquake. India’s reliance on oil producers who are firmly in the U.S. camp would be dangerously high. There would be other consequences in the short run. An audacious attack by Israel on Iran, with or without U.S. support, could be nearer, and so would the prospects of a wider Middle East conflict. For these reasons, India now stands between the present and the worst case scenario.

Police investigations were only beginning in Delhi when Israeli ministers spoke with such shocking certainly––the worst kind of megaphone diplomacy. For those sitting in the Indian capital, certain inferences were difficult to avoid. India had recently announced that it would abide by the UN sanctions against Iran, but would not obey additional sanctions imposed by the United States and the European Union. India would continue to buy oil from Iran, and an Indian trade delegation would visit Tehran in coming weeks.

Delhi was by no means alone in asserting an independent stance. Other countries, too, have been resisting what they consider to be strong-arm tactics by the anti-Iran bloc of nations to force reluctant governments to toe the line. The United States, the European Union and Israel are far from happy about this. 

That the affair threatened India’s massive trade with Iran, and could derail India’s capacity to formulate its foreign policy, was not lost in Delhi. A number of Indian politicians and senior officials made the government’s position clear. Commerce Minister Anand Sharma said that terrorism and trade were “separate issues,” and that business with Iran would continue. A former diplomat of India and now a leading commentator, M. K. Bhadrakumar, described the Israeli offensive as a “smear campaign” that “Tehran’s agents had been going about placing bombs in New Delhi, Tbilisi and Bangkok.”

Meanwhile, police investigations, and a visit by an Israeli Mossad team to Delhi, were continuing. Indian officials insisted that there was no “conclusive evidence” to link the attack to any particular group or country. And a senior police officer was categorical in saying that there was no link between the Delhi bomb and explosions that occurred in Bangkok the day after. 

The Indians are normally too polite to engage in crude public diplomacy. But when ministers of a country of under 8 million, albeit advanced and heavily militarized, try to dictate policy to a nation of 1.2 billion people, it is perhaps too much for the Indian sensitivities. 

I am on record as saying that, in the challenging 1990s decade when the Soviet Union collapsed, India was hasty and ill-advised to build a “flyover” to Israel, and from Israel straight on to the United States. Over the years, Israel’s multi-billion dollar sales of weapons based on American and Russian technologies, and intelligence sharing, have given India easy access to arms bazaar. But there is a cost. India can be vulnerable to pressure, and has ignored its interests in the Muslim world. Simply put, successive Indian governments put too many eggs in the (Israeli–U.S.) basket.

Now that India asserts its strategic interests independent of the United States and Israel, with the other members of the group called BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa), it faces a trial of strength. The outcome will depend on whether Delhi can establish its capacity to turn away from what look like instant gains, and promises for future, to secure its long-term interests that are essential for India’s place on the world stage.

- Deepak Tripathi is the author of “Breeding Ground: Afghanistan and the Origins of Islamist Terrorism” (Potomac Books, Inc., Washington, D.C., 2011) and “Overcoming the Bush Legacy in Iraq and Afghanistan” (Potomac, 2010). He contributed this article to


Stoke City TV ratings Public sector cuts Kevin Campbell Theatre Mortgages

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Under-reported Palestinian political prisoners: an urgent matter for peace

altPalestine, (Pal Telegraph) - The situation of Palestinian political prisoners held in Israeli jails gets very little coverage in the  mainstream media, in contrast to political prisoners in other parts of the Middle East and beyond. The reported arrests of Palestinian MPs, Mohammed Totah, Khaled Abu Arafeh, Aziz Dweik, or the current detention term of hunger striking prisoner Khader Adnan are only the most recent cases in Israel’s ongoing campaign of arrests across the occupied West Bank.


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When Netanyahu Crossed the Line

By Deepak Tripathi

The bombing of an Israeli embassy car in Delhi threatens India's diplomatic maneuvers between Israel and Iran, and has put India's discreetly nurtured ties with Israel since 1992 through a severe test. Those who are attracted to Israel’s depiction of Iran as a terrorist threat to world peace would do well to read historian Mark Perry’s account, revealing that Israel is recruiting, and collaborating with, terrorist groups in a secret war with Iran. That low-level conflict is spreading. Israel’s latest reaction should be seen in the light of Perry’s revelations.

The Israeli government’s hasty and aggressive posture following the Delhi bombing has caused offense in the Indian capital. Officials in Delhi have made plain that India will not be recruited into the anti-Iran alliance under Israeli–U.S. pressure. India will not allow “Washington, the Jewish lobby and much of Europe to push the country into a corner” over Iran. How India conducts its ties with that country dating back to ancient times is its business. Furthermore, police investigations into the bombing cannot be rushed to suit external interests. The law of the land must take its course.

What particularly irked Indian officials was that immediately after the Delhi bomb (another device was defused by Georgian police in Tbilisi on the same day), Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel sought to upstage India’s police investigations into the incident. Netanyahu described the Iranian government as the world’s “largest terror exporter” and Hezbollah in Lebanon as Iran’s “protégé.” Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman went further saying, “We know exactly who is responsible for the attack and who planned it, and we’re not going to take it lying down.”

As if that was not enough. Israel’s Energy and Water Resources Minister Uri Landau intervened with his own comment, calling “India’s support for the Palestinians at the UN a mistake,” and that he intended to “persuade” the Indians to change their stand. And Israel reportedly asked India to help sponsor a resolution against Iran in the UN Security Council, of which India is an elected member at present.

A full-scale Israeli offensive to force a complete overhaul of Indian foreign policy was under way. In the unlikely scenario of it happening, such an event would be a geopolitical earthquake. India’s reliance on oil producers who are firmly in the U.S. camp would be dangerously high. There would be other consequences in the short run. An audacious attack by Israel on Iran, with or without U.S. support, could be nearer, and so would the prospects of a wider Middle East conflict. For these reasons, India now stands between the present and the worst case scenario.

Police investigations were only beginning in Delhi when Israeli ministers spoke with such shocking certainly––the worst kind of megaphone diplomacy. For those sitting in the Indian capital, certain inferences were difficult to avoid. India had recently announced that it would abide by the UN sanctions against Iran, but would not obey additional sanctions imposed by the United States and the European Union. India would continue to buy oil from Iran, and an Indian trade delegation would visit Tehran in coming weeks.

Delhi was by no means alone in asserting an independent stance. Other countries, too, have been resisting what they consider to be strong-arm tactics by the anti-Iran bloc of nations to force reluctant governments to toe the line. The United States, the European Union and Israel are far from happy about this. 

That the affair threatened India’s massive trade with Iran, and could derail India’s capacity to formulate its foreign policy, was not lost in Delhi. A number of Indian politicians and senior officials made the government’s position clear. Commerce Minister Anand Sharma said that terrorism and trade were “separate issues,” and that business with Iran would continue. A former diplomat of India and now a leading commentator, M. K. Bhadrakumar, described the Israeli offensive as a “smear campaign” that “Tehran’s agents had been going about placing bombs in New Delhi, Tbilisi and Bangkok.”

Meanwhile, police investigations, and a visit by an Israeli Mossad team to Delhi, were continuing. Indian officials insisted that there was no “conclusive evidence” to link the attack to any particular group or country. And a senior police officer was categorical in saying that there was no link between the Delhi bomb and explosions that occurred in Bangkok the day after. 

The Indians are normally too polite to engage in crude public diplomacy. But when ministers of a country of under 8 million, albeit advanced and heavily militarized, try to dictate policy to a nation of 1.2 billion people, it is perhaps too much for the Indian sensitivities. 

I am on record as saying that, in the challenging 1990s decade when the Soviet Union collapsed, India was hasty and ill-advised to build a “flyover” to Israel, and from Israel straight on to the United States. Over the years, Israel’s multi-billion dollar sales of weapons based on American and Russian technologies, and intelligence sharing, have given India easy access to arms bazaar. But there is a cost. India can be vulnerable to pressure, and has ignored its interests in the Muslim world. Simply put, successive Indian governments put too many eggs in the (Israeli–U.S.) basket.

Now that India asserts its strategic interests independent of the United States and Israel, with the other members of the group called BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa), it faces a trial of strength. The outcome will depend on whether Delhi can establish its capacity to turn away from what look like instant gains, and promises for future, to secure its long-term interests that are essential for India’s place on the world stage.

- Deepak Tripathi is the author of “Breeding Ground: Afghanistan and the Origins of Islamist Terrorism” (Potomac Books, Inc., Washington, D.C., 2011) and “Overcoming the Bush Legacy in Iraq and Afghanistan” (Potomac, 2010). He contributed this article to


Simon Cowell Opera Royal Bank of Scotland Self-catering International criminal justice Manufacturing data

Lebanese economy to grow by 3 percent in 2012

In its latest report on investment opportunities in the MENA region, the investment bank EFG Hermes has projected a 3% economic growth for Lebanon in 2012 against 2.5% last year. Investment opportunities in Lebanon remained similar to other markets in the region, like Egypt, Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Jordan and Morocco. The study noted that although the country remains one of the cheapest markets in the region and has a solid banking system, political instability has started to affect stock prices in the local market.

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Roberto Mancini JLS Protest Norway Alexander Litvinenko London

VVD seeks clarity on harbour bond

THE HAGUE--Are St. Maarten's finances, long-term planning and fiscal structure sound enough to repay a long-term US $150 million bond issue for the harbour? With this question in mind, the liberal democratic VVD party sought clarity from the Dutch Government on the St. Maarten harbour bond issue on Thursday.

VVD Member of Parliament (MP) André Bosman questioned whether it was "responsible" to organise a bond issue of this size considering St. Maarten's "shrinking economy and the unclear long-term durability" of the country's budget. He did not want the Netherlands to end up footing the bill if St. Maarten could not pay this debt.

In a series of questions to Dutch Minister of Home Affairs and Kingdom Relations Liesbeth Spies, Bosman wanted to know whether the Netherlands had been involved in some way in the US $150 million bond issue in conformity with the law on Financial Supervision. He asked whether the Netherlands had bought these bonds.

Bosman sought clarity on the possible role of the Committee for Financial Supervision CFT in the bond issue. He also enquired in what way the CFT had been involved and if it had not been involved, why not.

Bosman said in a reaction Thursday evening that a long-term bond issue like this one required a solid fiscal system, long-term financial planning and a budget that was in order. "After all, it is a loan and St. Maarten has to pay it back. If St. Maarten can't pay it back, who will end up footing the bill? The Netherlands? That cannot be true," he told The Daily Herald.

He pointed out that The Netherlands had the legal obligation to buy bonds of the newly-established countries in the Kingdom if there proved to be insufficient interest from investors and said that was why it was extra-important to obtain clarity from the minister on this bond issue.

Bosman further inquired about reports that Curaçao was planning a bond issue of NAf. 250 million. He wanted to know if here too the Netherlands would be obliged to buy these bonds to conform to the Financial Supervision Law.

He asked the minister whether she agreed with the VVD that "the Netherlands could only lend money to Curaçao if the CFT guarantees the Netherlands that Curaçao's budget is in order in the short and long term."


Financial Services Authority (FSA) Xabi Alonso Obama administration Lloyds Banking Group Financial sector Chalkboards

Palestinian Minors – “Terrorists or Children”

altPalestine, (Pal Telegraph) - On the 22nd of January the Guardian newspaper published an article about the mistreatment of Palestinian children who are arrested and detained in Israel, entitled “The Palestinian children – alone and bewildered – in Israel’s Al Jalame jail”. The “Hasbara” reply was published today where the writer Amir Ofek leaves the reader in no doubt that Palestinian children are terrorists, murderers and virtually spring from their mother’s wombs wearing suicide belts.


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Global tourism and diversification of the economy

The 2011 report of the World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO), just released, projects global tourism to hit the one billion milestone this year. According to the report, 'International tourist arrivals grew by over 4 percent in 2011 to 980 million, up from 939 million in the previous year.'

To put International tourism in its proper perspective, the sector is directly responsible for 5 percent of the world's GDP
© 2012 AllAfrica Global Media.

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Saudi Arabia: Export ban on cement enforced rigorously

The sources said no cement or clinker bricks had been exported since the ban was imposed. Only Bahrain was exempted from the ban and receives about 25,000 bags of cement per week.

The daily noted that some cement companies took advantage of the grace period that preceded the start of the ban to export large quantities of cement. Keen not to confuse or disturb the companies, the ministry told them beforehand it would impose a complete ban on exports of cement after three days.

Following the ban on exports, Al-Jouf Cement Company announced it had increased its prices to SR260 per ton from SR200
Copyright: Arab News © 2012 All rights reserved.

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Kidnappers get five to seven years in prison

PHILIPSBURG--Four persons, among whom Omar "Chuckie" Nelson (20) who is currently already sitting out 18 years, received prison sentences ranging from five to seven years Wednesday, in a case of theft with violence and abduction.

The case involved the kidnapping and violent robbery of C. Short in Nazareth on August 18, 2010.

Prosecutor Dounia Benammar had requested eight years for Nelson, six years for Louella A. Flanders (32) and Roberto R.F. Brooks (19), and seven years for Roberto's twin brother Ronaldo.

Judge Monique Keppels found all four suspects guilty as charged. Nelson received a sentence which was two years less than the Prosecutor's demand, because, the Judge said, she would refrain from imposing the customary one-third increase of a penalty for repeat offenders.

During the January 11 hearing, Nelson's lawyer Bert Hofman had said his client maintained his innocence. He also pleaded with the Judge to carefully weigh his client's role in the crime, and not to punish him extra because he currently is sitting out 18 years.

Nelson will have to stand trial again on March 7, this time for jailbreak and car theft. He escaped detention in March 2011 by breaking through the roof of the cell in Pointe Blanche prison where he had been held in solitary confinement.

Ronaldo Brooks was sentenced according to the Prosecutor's demand to seven years. He was also convicted of the robbery of an American tourist on the Boardwalk Promenade in February 2010.

His brother was sentenced to six years, one of which was suspended, on two years' probation, while Flanders was sentenced according to the Prosecutor's demand.

All were found guilty of planning and executing the abduction and robbery, luring their victim out of his house.

In Nazareth, Short's car was rammed, after which he was taken out of the vehicle, beaten down and tied up. He was then put in the trunk of his car and driven around for four hours, after which he was left behind in his car in Dutch Quarter.

The man was robbed of his wallet, containing several credit and bank cards. He was forced to sign several blank cheques and provide the PIN-code for his bank card. The robbers tried to swipe the card, but did not manage to obtain any money. In total, only US $50 was taken.

The Judge specifically held against Flanders the fact that she had gravely misused the trust and willingness of an acquaintance to help her in the middle of the night.

Attorney-at-law Shaira Bommel had stated Flanders had only been the planner of the crime, but had not taken part in the violent robbery.

The twin brothers, who had both been examined for possible mental deficiencies, were both held fully responsible for their actions.

In Roberto's case, a psychiatrist had stated in a report to the Court that his excessive use of cannabis, and anti-social behaviour did not lead to lesser accountability.

Attorney-at-law Zylena Bary had put question marks on the reports of the brothers' state of mind. In her opinion they should at least be found less accountable and receive lower sentences.


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Obsession with Israel: Variegated Trojan Horse

By Jamil Toubbeh

'Obsession with Israel' is akin to wearing the Stars and Stripes on one's lapel; while both may be symbols of commitments to causes, the causes, by virtue of their uniqueness, are rarely complementary and if by chance they are, their individual objectives and outcomes are usually skewed to one or the other cause(s). The reason: in a democracy national interests and sovereignty are unique and supreme. This concept is best articulated in George Washington’s enduring statement in his historic Farewell Address, delivered more than 150 years before the establishment of the self-proclaimed Jewish State, aka Israeli. Washington said:  “[A] passionate attachment of one Nation for another provides a variety of evils...facilitating the illusion of an imaginary interest, in cases where no common interests exists; and infusing into one the enemies of the other, betrays the former to participation in the quarrels and wars of the latter". The first president’s foreign policy construct is as valid today as it has been throughout US history--the “passionate attachment” to Israel is no exception. Or is it?

The subject, ‘obsession with Israel’, is not new; it has historical, academically-inspired antecedents.

Keith W. Whitelam (UK), Professor of Religious Studies, with particular focus on the emergence of early Israel in historical perspective, noted that “Palestinian history, specifically for the 13th century BCE and to the 2nd century CE (1500 years), has been either a minor subset of or excluded from biblical studies” by scholars’ narrow focus on ancient Israel and the Hebrew Bible. This scholarly inclination gave credence to Zionism’s claim over Palestine--“a land without a people for a people without a land”--and to Christian Zionists, a Phoenix of an ancient Israel sculpt by religiously inclined academics. [The Phoenix, we may recall, is that mythical Arabian wilderness bird of exceptional beauty who regains his youth every half a century through self-immolation]. In the process of inventing ancient Israel, Whitelam argues, Palestinian history was “subsumed with the social, political and religious development of ancient Israel”. Biblically-inspired archaeological digs have yet to produce a Heinrich Schliemann’s Troy of ancient Israel in historic Palestine. The zealous pursuit of ancient Israel led to denial of Palestinian history that, in turn, gave impetus to a vocabulary of derogatory descriptions of Palestinians or to total disregard of Palestinian rights by conservative political or religious groups within the American and British societies.

Denial of Palestinian history and Palestinian identity underscores and perpetuates ‘obsession with Israel’. Newt Gingrich recently referred to Palestinians as “invented” people, a description that reflects intentional denial of history and obsession with a nebulous and fabricated history. The historian’s history not only mimics early Zionists’ colonial mindset, but muddles more than 60 years of US involvement with Palestinians and their leaders. It was Golda Meir (PM 1969-1974) who died searching for Palestinians in her Jerusalem backyard. 

Mr. Gingrich is not alone in excluding Palestinians from the equation of Palestine’s history. Earlier, Christian Zionist televangelists played in the hands of Zionists eager to reach the US public, in addition to the more malleable legislators in the US Congress. Menachem Begin (PM 1977-1983) curried favor with the late Rev. Jerry Falwell, founder of Thomas Road Baptist Church in Lynchburg, VA, giving him (Falwell) a private jet to facilitate his travel to Israel. The Rev. John Hagee, another Christian Zionist, founder of Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, TX, followed in the footsteps of Falwell to enhance Israel’s outreach into the heats and minds of US conservative religious communities. Rev. Hagee, an outspoken televangelist, is known for his support of Israel’s colonization of the rest of occupied Palestine. His obsession with ancient Israel is symbolized by a physical replica of the Wailing Wall on his church’s site and the obliteration of the Dome of the Rock and al-Aqsa Mosque from panoramic views of the Old City of Jerusalem, a site holy to a billion Muslims. Were Mr. Hagee’s convictions not incongruous with his own political inclinations, one would have no reason to question his symbolic exclusion. The exclusion, however, reflects the strength of his obsession with Israel and his personal crusade against Islam.  Ironically, neither US politicians nor Christian Zionist can claim long-term tangible benefits from their respective kneejerk obsessions with Israel: the “favored nation” has been a drag on the US economy as well as US standing in the world community.

The Arabic language whose boundaries are extensive relative to most other extant languages fails to describe or define the construct ‘obsession’, particularly as it relates to America’s political system and the country’s relations with the world community.  Because Arabs, regardless of ethnic or religious affiliation, and Muslims are the most affected by this unusual societal behavior, the large majority is inclined to interpret the phenomenon as either a spurious element in the US political system, or a fabricated Zionist construct to isolate Arabs and Muslims from the West for ulterior reasons. The latter is more plausible despite the construct’s disparate elements.  Zionists, Jewish or Christian, have been able to weave their separate agendas into the fabric of the US’ (as well as other Western nations’) social, cultural, religious and political life, creating an ironclad construct that has assumed a high level of credibility even among the educated.  A construct, by definition, is a latent variable or a factor that is subject to validation. ‘Obsession with Israel’ is not subject to validation or inquiry: it is an Orwellian construct, and like Orwell’s authoritarian rule, it is based on rickety historical variables, most significant being fear, fear of being tagged a denier (of the 6 million), fear of being tagged anti-Semitic or intolerant, fear of being accused of hate crimes, of losing an election or a livelihood, fear of not joining the crowd at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee’s (AIPAC) annual “YesWeDo” gathering, and fear of missing the moment of rapture. ‘Obsession with Israel’ transcends the accepted definition constructs such as ‘love’ that easily measured by variables as touch, commitment, roses, a kiss, ad infinitum. Exploring the meaning of ‘obsession with Israel’ is like standing at the base of a leaning tower and pulling down tethered concrete blocks to validate the theory of falling objects.

The construct, obsession with Israel’, is all-encompassing. For example, what better way to express obsession-cum-devotion to Israel than to link one’s personal life or religiosity to the Jewish state than to say: “My daughter is Catholic. My son-in-law is Jewish…Last week I celebrated my birthday and my grandchildren, age 4 and 6, [were] called to sing ‘Happy Birthday’”. And the surprise, the real gift, was that they sang it in Hebrew” (US Rep. Nancy Pelosi, at annual meeting of AIPAC in Washington, DC, reported in JTA by Jennifer Jacobson, 11/08/06).  In 2001, the Honorable Pelosi chose to sidestep history by referring to Israel’s occupation of Palestinian land (in violation of international law) as “nonsense” and later, to cleanse historical facts by stating that the single most important accomplishment of the 20th century is the formation of the state of Israel.  This construct-of-a-different-color shows up elsewhere.  The 2004 presidential candidate, John Kerry, discovered that he had Jewish blood and in the same year, the Honorable Madeline Albright, Secretary of State during President W. Clinton’s Administration, discovered that she, too, had Jewish ancestry, noting that the discovery was a “major surprise”.  Recently at a foreign policy debate in Washington, DC, Mitt Rodney pledged that as president his first foreign trip would be to Israel “to show the world we care about that country and that region.” (Reported by Alexander Burnes, 11/22/1). 

Anyone with rudimentary knowledge of US society can identify the flaws in the Zionist fabricated construct. If ‘obsession with Israel’ were the rational basis for shared democratic ideals, the construct would be a house of cards: in Israel, racism is institutionalized.  If the construct were the basis for US interests in the Arab and Muslim worlds, it would not hold a leaf on its fabricated limbs: Israeli jingoist policies have isolated the US from its allies in these populous worlds (pop. 1B).  Zionist-inspired media in the US has consistently denigrated and dehumanized Arabs and Muslims, contributing significantly to widening the knowledge gap between Arab (Christians and Muslims) and other Muslims worldwide, in Western societies, especially in the US. ‘Obsession with Israel’ has been a divisive element across all levels of the US educational system, inviting censorship, often unwittingly or self-imposed, and at other times, imposed by pro-Israel stealth lobbies at local governmental or institutional levels. 

Despite its flaws ‘obsession with Israel’ remains a guiding principle of culturally-correct behavior in the US and other Western nations.  

Is there light at the end of this obsession?  Unfortunately, ‘obsession with Israel’ is not as easily discredited as the colognes ‘Obsession-by…’ There are common denominators however: tolerance and longevity.  Today, America’s partnership with the world community is barely a shadow of its past.  Besides Britain, America’s coalition partners are reluctant to participate in global matters.  America’s sphere of influence in the Middle East has become a war zone that has lasted more than 15 years at an estimated cost of $3 trillion dollars. America has been forced to use its veto power more than 40 times at the UN to shield Israel against sanctions. Recently, it has used every trick in its bag to prevent the UN from recognizing a Palestinian state, when the large majority (139) of member nations favored the creation of the state.  In shielding Israel, America has become a partner with Israel in violating international laws. 

With few exceptions, the majority of nations would favor an America that has the capability to infuse stability in a world-at-conflict.  At the same time, many nations, particularly in the Arab World, would argue against America’s neocolonialist policies, support of dictatorships, and America’s insatiable appetite for military adventures driven by corporate lobbies or lobbies that represent foreign interests, particularly interests of Israel. The list of grievances against America is long indeed, but America remains unique in its democratic infrastructures, a construct that has proven its validity over time.  The intrusion of the pro-Israel lobby, Israeli leadership and Christian Zionists in America’s social, cultural, political and legal systems has shaken America’s secular democratic infrastructure and has “provides a variety of evils ...facilitating the illusion of an imaginary interest…where no common interests exists; and infusing into one the enemies of the other, betrays the former to participation in the quarrels and wars of the latte…”.

In Homer’s Odyssey, after a long siege of Troy, the Greek army constructed a giant wooden horse within which a select group of soldiers was hid and then faked a retreat from the city. Unaware of the deception, the Trojans pulled the horse into the city and secured the city gates.  At night, the hidden Greek soldiers descended from the cavernous wooden structure, opened the city gates and occupied Troy. In common usage, a “Trojan Horse” refers to any trick or stratagem that invites an opponent into a secure space.  In computer language, a Trojan is described as a “standalone malicious program that attempts to infect computers in a completely automatic manner without help from outside forces like other programs and human intervention.  Trojan horses can [duplicate] themselves, steal information, or harm the host computer systems”. The construct ‘obsession with Israel’ is a more sophisticated and variegated Trojan horse that ‘does its thing’ efficiently using surrogates.

- Jamil Toubbeh is author of Day of the Long Night, (McFarland & Co. Publishers), a Fulbright Scholar and recipient of the Eagle Feather for work on Native American disability policy. He is currently Senior Researcher in cancer health disparities at Center for Asian Health, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA. He contributed this article to


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Egypt recalls envoy to Damascus as further rallies expected in capital

Egypt decided Sunday to recall its ambassador to Syria, announced the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Egyptian foreign minister Amr Kamel Mohammed received the Ambassador Sunday morning and it was decided that the Ambassador remains in Cairo until further notice, according to a ministry statement.

Rally in Damascus
© 2012 Al Bawaba (

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18th century anchor and cannon placed outside Bobby’s Marina

page7a215PHILIPSBURG--The once-overlooked cannon outside Bobby's Marina has been restored and now has as a companion a large anchor recovered from Great Bay during the dredging to construct the mega cruise ship pier some two years ago.

Both pieces are English, from the 18th century and probably were forged by slaves toiling in ironworks for the British Navy, according to Archaeologist Jay Haviser.

The anchor and cannon were placed on a pedestal just outside Bobby's Marina at the start of the Eastern end of the Great Bay beach promenade by a Windward Roads Infrastructure crane and crew, under the watchful eyes of Haviser and a sizable gathering of onlookers. The gathering included St. Maarten Archaeological Centre Simarc students, representatives of the Pointe Blanche Prison, heritage and nature groups.

"This is another small display about St. Maarten's history, its European history. However, even though it is European history, Africans were possibly involved in making the cannon and anchor in the ironworks in the 18th century," Haviser said.

He added that the display was a part of the country's history to visitors and hopefully "our own people will see some pride in our heritage. We have made the area alive again."

Deputy Minister Plenipotentiary Richard Panneflek represented the Cabinet at the placement ceremony and unveiled the plaque listing the organisations involved in the project. He unveiled the plaque in the absence of Culture Minister Rhoda Arrindell who was unable to attend due to unforeseen circumstances.

The cannon pointing shore-side had sat on the pedestal for many years in a weathered wooden carriage. When the anchor was discovered in the bay Haviser and St. Maarten Museum Director Elsje Bosch were called in by authorities about its preservation.

Haviser and Simarc took up the restoration challenge and began the long process of carefully chiselling away some three centimetres of coral growth and submerging the anchor in a freshwater well on Emilio Wilson Estate, thanks to the cooperation of Henri Brookson. The freshwater process was to leech all the salt absorbed in the anchor to prevent later corrosion from the inside. A painstaking endeavour of applying special primer to the anchor by the Simarc team took several months.

Scouting for the perfect location to display this piece of St. Maarten's English heritage, Haviser spoke to the Bobby's Marina Group about restoring the cannon carriage and mounting the two nautical pieces together. This time the cannon would face out to the bay, reminiscent of its day of guarding the coastline or defending against enemy ships.

The carriage and anchor mount were constructed by inmates of the Pointe Blanche House of Detention through the cooperation of Foundation Judicial Institutes Windward Islands SJIB and funding from Antillean Co-Financing Organisation AMFO.

Gregory Thompson of SJIB said the carpentry work by the inmates was part of ongoing rehabilitation and positive skilling training. Inmates also are trained to be assistant barbers and to design websites. It is hoped that they will use these skills to lead law-abiding lives free of crime once out of prison.

While the cannon and anchor add another point of interest on St. Maarten's history and have created a backdrop for photographs and postcards, some onlookers voiced concerns about the pedestal becoming a collecting place for trash because no trash cans are close by.


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Children’s Parade gives Marigot a splash of colour

kids_2MARIGOT--A colourful children's parade heralded the start of the French-side Carnival on Sunday with a number of schools taking part in a procession through the centre of Marigot.

Schools in Sandy Ground, Grand Case and French Quarter were among the participants.

Miss Pitchounette 2012 Tiffany Anicette and her runners-up Katy Warner, Wonda Préval and Samantha Cyrille led the parade, which started from Howell Centre around 2:00pm.

They were followed by 2011 Little Miss Sunshine winner Denisha Lake and SXM Little King winner Ricky Fleming travelling in an open-topped car.

The Grand Case kindergarten school was the first of the troupes in the procession presenting "Little Fishermen and Salt Workers" walking behind a fishing boat. Boys sported big straw hats while the girls wore flat hats to carry salt.

A troupe that worked hard on its choreography and costumes was the "Sailors" troupe of Spring Hills, while French Quarter 2 School presented a mix of different nationalities. Young revellers appeared to be dressed in Cleopatra costumes, while others were dressed in Polynesian or West Indian styles under the theme "Colours of the World."

The Cultural Centre of Sandy Ground presented "Candy Land," another very colourful troupe, while Locomotiv musicians provided the familiar Carnival beat.

The parade was well supervised by the Territorial Police and Carnival organisers. Barriers had been erected along parts of Rue de Hollande and Rue de La République to prevent any accidents.

As usual the parade made its way along Rue de La Liberté and out to Lowtown and Bellevue before returning along Rue de Hollande and finishing in Galisbay at the Carnival Village, which officially was declared open.

2112 Inc. Productions is seeking contestants ages 7-9 years for the fourth Little Miss Sunshine and SXM King Election in May. Contestants can register at Mad Designs in Galisbay, Marigot.

Jolly Boys, Gunslingers, Control Band and Ebony Steel Orchestra are performing at Carnival Village tonight. Entry fee is US $10 or 10 euros and show-time is 8:00pm.


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