PHILIPSBURG--Today's planned Parliament meeting to examine the lawfulness of Member of Parliament (MP) Jules James voting on a National Alliance (NA) motion that specifically named him has been "cancelled" on the request of NA.
President of Parliament Gracita Arrindell confirmed that the party, headed by MP William Marlin, had asked in its letter for the meeting to be "cancelled" and not for a postponement. No reason for the cancellation request was given in the letter.
MP Louie Laveist (NA) told The Daily Herald, the cancellation is "due to medical reasons in the National Alliance family," but NA maintains its position that James was not allowed to vote on the motion because it concerned him. The motion dealt with the dismissal of workers from Simpson Bay Resort (formerly Pelican Resort Club) where James is general manager.
"It [James' vote] violates the Constitution and we intend to address it at a later date," Laveist said.
The cancellation of the plenary session means that for this topic to be dealt with again, NA would have to put in a request for a new meeting. In the original meeting request, NA had also asked to discuss its position why James of the United People's (UP) party was not allowed to vote on the November 17, 2011, motion, Governor Eugene Holiday's letter to Parliament of December 5 and Arrindell's (UP) reactions to it.
Today's meeting, which was to start at 2:00pm, was the one to be called on the topic. The first meeting on January 24 had to be called off due to no quorum. Only seven MPs ? five NA, one UP and one independent ? were present. At least eight MPs are needed for any general session of Parliament to take place.
Other MPs of the UP/Democratic Party (DP)/Illidge coalition didn't show up for the meeting due to issues involving UP fraction leader Romain Laville.
MP Leroy de Weever (MP) was the only MP absent with notice from the January 24 meeting.
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