Sunday, March 20, 2011

Statia Island Council members sworn in

Page1b250ST. EUSTATIUS--The first Island Council of the Public Entity of St. Eustatius was officially sworn in Thursday morning.

Island Governor of St. Eustatius, Gerald Berkel performed the ceremony as Acting Island Secretary Edris Bennett-Merkman read the oath as each Island Council Member and Commissioner took their oath.

The new Island Council members sworn in were UPC Leader Reginald Zaandam, who was also elected for the post of Chairman of the Central Committee with three votes for him. The two commissioners, newcomer Glennville Schmidt of STEP and veteran politician PLP's Clyde van Putten received three votes each.

Voting was carried out by secret ballot. A large cross section of the community, including many family members of the politicians, was in attendance for this historical occasion. It was the first time in the history of politics in Statia that a government was formed with three political parties.


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