Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Two homicides recorded Friday

page_1a245PHILIPSBURG-- St. Maarten recorded two homicides yesterday, bringing the number of such cases to three in just about one week.

� Yesterday?s first case involved the death of �a 61-year-old Dominicano-Dutch man whose name has been given as Eduardo Nova, and whose body was found in the bushes along Alexis Arnell Road, better known as the Cake House road, early Friday morning.

� The second case resulted in the shooting death of a Dominicano man Emilio de Leon-Reyes (49) on Quilletor Drive in Dutch Quarter around 7:30pm. He was hit by a bullet when shots reportedly were fired at the family home and died later in the evening at St. Maarten Medical Center.

� In the Cake House road homicide, no indications about the probable cause of death were available up to press time, but it is believed the victim had been killed where his body was found.

� In a press release Friday, police spokesman Inspector Ricardo Henson made the following unusual request: ?In connection with the ongoing investigation of the (then) unknown man found dead this morning in the Cole Bay area, the Police Force is asking your cooperation not to publish any photos of body or the crime scene you may have taken.

� ?The crime scene has info on it which is very vital to the investigation. Also, the family members do not know that the victim is deceased and publishing his photo may not be appropriate at this time. Your cooperation is very important at this time. As soon as more official information becomes available, you will be informed.?

� Reports reaching The Daily Herald by late Friday said Cake House road murder might have been recorded on a mobile phone video camera, but Prosecutor Manon Ridderbeks said the authorities had no information regarding a video. ?That is something completely new to me. If that video is circulating, then we would obviously ask for that to be given to us,? she told this newspaper.

� And, in an appeal to the public for information, Ridderbeks said, ?We would like to talk to any person who may have used that road between 4:00 and 8:00 on Friday morning. They may have seen a vehicle parked or other persons around the area. We know, for example, that some people use the hill to run and exercise. We would like to speak to them.?

� Information or a copy of the video, if it does indeed exist, can be given to the Prosecutor?s Office, which can be contacted at tel. 542-2243, or to the police at the Philipsburg police station, tel. 542-2222.

� In the Dutch Quarter fatal shooting, shots reportedly were fired at a house occupied by the victim?s family. Police were called to the scene and, although initial reports of the incident suggested that five people had been shot, it transpired that neighbours apparently had heard around five shots being fired.

� When Nova arrived at the hospital he appeared to be sitting half upright and communicating with the emergency staff in the rear of the ambulance. Reassurance later given to his daughter at the scene appeared to have been premature, as the victim died of his wounds a short while later, according to Inspector Ricardo Henson.

� The daughter, who did not want to be named, sat outside the house crying. She said through a friend who spoke Spanish that she had no idea why her father had been shot.

��Henson was at the scene and told this newspaper, ?Basically we were called around 7:30pm and told there is one man shot in the arm.? However, he telephoned this newspaper at 9:15pm to give the news that Nova had passed away at St. Maarten Medical Center. He said, ?I too was told that he had only had one shot in the arm, but it seems that was not the case and he has since died. We will obviously have more to say about this matter tomorrow.?

��Deputy Chief Commissioner Carl John was also on the scene. Forensic examiners looked at the area where the shooting occurred and various detectives were also at the scene making inquiries with the local people.

� Neighbours in the area were shocked by the incident. One woman said, ?We don?t know what it is all coming to. Country St. Maarten is going down and down.?

� Yesterday?s homicides have come close on the heels of last week Saturday?s discovery of the badly-battered body of French chef Ludovic Guillevin of the megayacht Cheetah Moon on Mullet Bay beach. He died later the same day after being flown out to Martinique for further treatment.



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