Sunday, March 20, 2011

Supermarket cashiers tried for embezzlement

PHILIPSBURG--Two cashiers of Le Grand March� supermarket were tried and sentenced Wednesday at the Court in First Instance for having misappropriated considerable amounts of money from their employer's cash registers.

Ashley S.C. Cangieter (20) and Wendy J. Gumbs (27) admitted they had taken large amounts of money coming from credit card payments.

Cangieter had started the crime, and had also instructed Gumbs how to declare these payments invalid, after which the partners in crime took large amounts of money from the store's cash pans.

Through these procedures, Cangieter managed to misappropriate an estimated NAf. 56,000 between the end of November 2010, and January 15, 2011. Gumbs would have embezzled some NAf. 23,000, it was estimated by the Prosecutor's Office after observing surveillance camera images from the supermarket's checkout area.

Admitting to the crimes, both women stated the alleged amounts were exaggerated, claiming they had each taken not more than US $10,000.

Initially, a third cashier had also been arrested and detained, but it soon emerged this woman was innocent. Cangieter had also used this woman's log-in code to open cash registers.

The crime involved stunning numbers of transactions. No less than 162 in Gumbs' case, and well over 300 where Cangieter was concerned. Both women said that most of the money was spent on Christmas gifts for relatives. Although they had promised to reimburse their duped employers, neither of the women had up until this moment done so. Gumbs, however, told Judge Monique Keppels that she had the money ready.

Prosecutor Marleen Overmeer qualified the embezzlement as a "slap in the face of their employer," which had also involved a third, and innocent, colleague. She asked the court for six months suspended, on three years' probation for both women.

The Prosecutor was also of the opinion that the women should perform community service, and requested 240 hours for Cangieter and 180 hours for Gumbs.

Even though the Court considered Cangieter a first offender, she had been dismissed by several employers after similar incidents involving money.

Attorney-at-law Geert Hatzmann stated on behalf of his client that Gumbs had already spent 10 days in detention and would be reimbursing her employer. "Enough is enough," the lawyer said, asking the Court to brush the community service off the table.

Gumbs' lawyer, Cor Merx, stated that it could only be proven that his client had stolen, and not embezzled, US $8,127. He further said his client was willing to do community service in the soup kitchen of Seventh Day Adventist Church, under the surveillance of a pastor.

The Prosecutor considered this a good idea, but said the community service should be monitored by a probation officer.

Judge Monique Keppels found both women guilty of embezzlement, and sentenced them according to the Prosecutor's demand.


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