Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Open Letter to President Obama

September 30, 2011Dear Mr. President:I am terribly disappointed with the rebuff of Patriarch Bechara Peter Raiwho is the Catholic leader of the Maronites worldwide and one of the mostrespected Christian leaders in Lebanon and the Middle East.� The motto ofhis coat of arms reflects his personality and is call for "communion andlove." He has been trying to achieve what no other Middle Eastern politicalor a religious leader has been able to do:� meet others with respect andlove, not take sides, and build bridges to a future that will hopefully leadto peace and happiness for all people in the Middle East.Muslim and Christian groups have all found in him a real father, aPatriarch.� Because he has spoken out expressing his concern for the futureof Christians in the Middle East, he has been rebuffed by you and yourAdministration.� It is pure hypocrisy for the leader of the free world torefuse to meet with Patriarch Rai especially since the Prime Minister ofIsrael can come and completely disregard essential parts of a peace plan andstill be given a warm welcome, and the King of Saudi Arabia, whereChristians have no freedom whatsoever, can be received with highest honors.Mr. President, you are ignoring the plight of Christians in the Middle East!Patriarch Rai's warning about the future of Christians in Syria is nottaboo. Christians are in a state of peril in the same way that Christians ofIraq were a few years ago when two thirds of them migrated out of thecountry and are still not protected to this day. To say the Patriarchsupports dictators and sides with terrorists is pure nonsense.� With his ownunique charisma, Patriarch Rai has reached out to all Lebanese with whom hehas to live side-by-side. It is a beautiful outreach, one that is uniquelyhis, without having to be beholden to anyone.� He speaks with love andtempers the divisive, hateful talk of many. He gives hope A new day isdawning in the Middle East.� The Arab Spring is happening with little visionfor the summer that will ensue.� Mr. President, you do not have to agree oneverything with Patriarch Rai, but there is no need to avoid or rebuff him.By doing so, you are showing your disrespect for him and for all Christiansof the Middle East+ Gregory J MansourBishop of the Eparchy of Saint Maron of Brooklyn

Source: http://www.tayyar.org/Tayyar/News/PoliticalNews/en-US/obama-rahi-mansour-zek-804.htm

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