Monday, March 26, 2012

Thousands turn out for Unity Jump-Up

page4b251PHILIPSBURG--The Carnival committees of Dutch St. Maarten and French St. Martin as well of the people of both North and South set records on Saturday night, when thousands of revellers took to the streets to take part in the 2012 Unity Jump-Up from Marigot to Philipsburg.

According to one estimate from Carnival officials, it is believed that as many as 20,000 revellers participated.

The long-anticipated event also featured five bands, the most ever to participate in a Unity Jump-Up, with the reigning Band of the Year from the Dutch side, Official Band, easily carrying the largest share of the revellers.

The lead players in St. Maarten Carnival Development Foundation (SCDF) and Festivites Carnavaleques de Saint Martin (FCDSM) are basically the same as when the event was first held a decade ago, so their reflection on the historic night brought extra meaning.

FCDSM President Philippe Richardson and SCDF Treasurer Erno Labega started the Unity Jump-Up. Labega was president of the SCDF at the time.

In brief comments at the border monument at Bellevue, Richardson said it was an honour and pleasure to be still part of the Unity Jump-Up today. He urged Carnival lovers and revellers to support both organisations as they continue to strive to provide the public with the best Carnival product. "It's not easy. We need your help," Richardson said.

Current SCDF President Stuart Johnson congratulated the FCDSM for a successful Carnival season on the French side and expressed the SCDF's commitment to building a closer working relationship with the FCDSM.

For his part Labega jokingly wondered, "Where did all these people come from?" He said the Unity Jump-Up had started as a crazy idea years ago and it was pleasing to see that the people of North and South still embraced the concept to this day.

The jump-up started in Marigot in the vicinity of Home 'N Tools at approximately 8:30pm and arrived on Soualiga Boulevard in front of the St. Maarten Festival Village at approximately 2:45am.

Despite a few skirmishes between young boys, the jump-up flowed smoothly most of the way. The SCDF and the Police Force will issue stern statements to the public and "wild revellers" in the coming weeks for the upcoming Carnival season that acts of bad behaviour will be met with the full force of the law.


Rugby union Bradford Bulls Small business Road trips Office for National Statistics Cheryl Cole

Arrindell says figures show dropout rate at 33 per cent

PHILIPSBURG--When taking a general, not definitive, overview of the school dropout ratio in St. Maarten, Minister of Education Rhoda Arrindell puts the percentage at 33.

The Minister discussed this issue and more on Wednesday at the latest lecture series hosted by University of St. Martin (USM) focusing on achieving universal primary education, the second Millennium Development Goal (MDG) for St. Maarten (see related story).

With the recent disclosure by Member of Parliament Romain Laville that youth unemployment stands at approximately 36 per cent, the 33 per cent dropout rate correlates to an extent. However, the Minister made sure to point out that no specific reason could be identified at present.

Arrindell explained that with an elementary school population of more than 5,000 students, and a secondary school population of more than 3,000 students, with an average gross completion rate of 67 per cent (69 per cent for girls and 65 per cent for boys), the dropout ratio today probably would be approximately 33 per cent or one out of every three secondary school students in their final year.

"This is more or less the same proportion reported by Reda Social for 2001. What has happened is that a decade later the situation seems to have remained status quo," the Minister said. "These figures are still being crunched and fine-tuned to facilitate a comprehensive analysis of the situation that would help us identify the causes and find workable solutions."

For her, personally, Arrindell said there was no doubt that the figures mentioned pointed to the fact that "our education system is not adequate enough to satisfy our 21st century needs that would allow us to build a virile, dynamic and progressive St. Maarten nation. Some people would say our education system is failing too many of us. Indeed, a quick glance at the performance of our secondary schools last year is very revealing," she said.

"Why are St. Dominic High and St. Maarten Academy (academic section) doing so much better than MPC and Sundial School, for example? Is it because of the language of instruction, or the number of students at the schools? Is it the teachers or the curriculum or the teaching methods? Are the school boards, school management, or parents to blame also? Or is it a matter of general educational philosophy and policy?

"Honestly, if you ask me, I would say it is all of the above. However, to use a medical analogy, the patient (our educational system) is being diagnosed and the appropriate prescription will follow as soon as the symptoms have been X-rayed."


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USM to launch Master’s degree in Law this year

PHILIPSBURG--University of St. Martin (USM) will be launching a law programme in collaboration with the Open University in the Netherlands later this year, the university announced last night.

It said the law programme will be offered "on the basis of a tutor system and distant teaching materials (print and online) that will culminate in a certified law degree (NVAO accreditation)."

The university explained further: "The intention is to launch a cohort system in a fixed specialized track. This means that the students will all start at the same time in the Fall semester 2012. This cohort study, in principle, gives the group opportunity to equal guidance to the entire group with the added benefit that students will be able to enjoy collaborative learning."

It said in the provisional framework the Open University will offer the curriculum materials in print, access to its online teaching environment and the exams.

USM will coordinate the training and supervision thereof via a tutor system with a view to ensuring that the cohort of students will maintain the required pace of study.

In addition, "the task of the USM facilitators will be to provide further explanation of the substance in the material, answer questions and assist in preparing for eventual exams."

The guidance will be provided by local experts, all holders of a Master's degree in Dutch law.

The university advised that persons interested in pursuing its law programme should contact USM's Admission Office at the University or by calling 542-5171 or 542-2356 Ext. 1000 for further information.


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How Has Social Media Affected Palestinians.




Kuwait, (Pal Telegraph) - This is a continuation of my last article {Palestinian Freedom Fighting & Social Media}

I explained in my previous article how Palestinians have taken to social media in order to voice their cause and have utilized it as an outlet that has proven mighty in the fight for justice.

In this piece I look into how Palestinians have changed tactics after the infusion of social media into their resistance.

As social media grows stronger and reaches a wider audience, we have seen how nearly everything is being revolutionized by it, from the revolutions of the “Arab Spring” that used social media as a form of organization outlet, to journalists and news networks using social media to gather stories and compile public opinion on various issues.

Today I ask the question of how has social media affected the user and specifically Palestinians, the dynamics of social media are always changing but one variable that is constant is that social media runs on user contribution and would fail without it.

Everything in life is a balance of positive and negative, such is the case with social media, as a spontaneous mass empowerment of Palestinian voices is emerging through social media, some Palestinians fear that it might have a negative effect on actions on the ground of the struggle.

Abbas Hamideh {a Palestinian organizer, born and raised in Puerto Rico. He is a charter member of Al-Awda, working with Al-Awda New York. He currently serves as a coordinator of he Al-Awda Refugee Empowerment Committee.}

“ The fighting for a free Palestine has always been the will of the people on the ground more so than social media. Social media has advanced the plight of the Palestinian people to a certain degree but we should never solely rely on social media as we all know that it could be censored or even blocked in a moments notice

If a movement relies on social media you always run the risks of losing momentum in a moments notice, social media enjoys some populatrity by instantly reaching out to people around the globe real time. The Palestinian movement is strong both on the ground and on the social networks, therefore we must continue to maintain a balance in order to continue being effective, ground work is essential to success."

As Mr. Hamideh states social media may advance the Palestinian struggle and voice the cause in real-time but it is necessary that Palestinians do not become overwhelmed by the charm of reaching out to people and neglecting ground work.

Another point of view that has to be taken into account is briefly explained by a member of the Palestinian circle of social media activism

Doctor Tariq Shadid {Also known as Doc Jazz, a Palestinian doctor who was born in the Netherlands. He is a surgeon by profession, and has a passion for music.}

Before we had the internet and social media, all we had was mainstream media to try and promote our cause. Just as it is today, it was extremely difficult to have the Palestinian voice heard, seen or read through corporate media because of its inherent pro-Israeli bias. When the World Wide Web came into being, this radically boosted the amount of exposure of the public to our situation. The arrival of social media made sharing this information radically easier and faster. We can safely say that these developments have taken the promotion of our cause to new and unprecedented levels, and that social media has become an incredibly important tool for our struggle for the liberation of Palestine. ”

Doctor Shadid points out the media bias experienced by the Palestinian cause and the neglect of MSM, as social media is becoming a validated news outlet, Palestinians have become the journalists reporting on their own-selves and spreading their news to the world and to all those whom care to listen.

Another important point of view is provided by Maysoon Zayid {an actress, comedian and activist,She was born in New Jersey }

“I would absolutely say the introduction of social media has changed the way I approach the subject of Palestine. It's really a double-edged pen. What I love about it is the fact that it has made it much easier for my friends and fans in America to understand what's happening when I can tweet an image, a video, a link. I remember during the Gaza Christmas massacre of hundreds of children feeling utterly helpless because Israel refused to allow journalists to enter Gaza. Now there's 500,000 little journalists tweeting live everything Israel wants to hide. However, this is all the personification of Big Brother watching, so I don't really have the freedom to say anything I want because as an American citizen traveling to Palestine, I must cross Israeli borders. And I know people who were banned from entering for life for one tweet. It has made me much more aware.

Gay Girl in Damascus kind of ruined everything for everyone. There is definitely a place for anonymity in social media when the author's life is genuinely at risk, but I've seen anonymity/ "sock puppets" used to discredit the Palestinian movement. Suddenly everyone and their mother is an expert on Palestine, even if they've never been there. I've got Florence of Arabia from Ohio telling me how I, as a Palestinian, should resist. And kids these days believe everything they read, even if they don't know who's saying it or who's paying them. I'm thrilled that social media has made it so much easier to relay the reality of segregation in Palestine but I'm saddened that it's made spies' jobs a piece of cake.”

Israel has also utilized social media to spread falsified information commonly referred to by Palestinian as “Hashbara”, Israeli authorities have also reached out to social media as a form of monitoring activists as Mrs.Zayid states.

Palestinian/Israeli Debate:

Palestinians have grouped and gathered online, changing the dynamics of social media as-well as changing themselves by adapting to new terminology to keep “political correctness” as it is becoming vital in this day and age for credibility and acceptability by the common public.

The Palestinian/Israeli debate is often unjustly stereotyped as being hate fueled and blinded by bias on both sides of the debate, the reality is that before the infusion of social media into the debate this stereotype would have been easier to believe as the opportunity for the average Palestinian to express his voice and make it heard was unavailable, after the social media eruption on the internet, Palestinians solidified their role and status within the online community by embracing platforms such as twitter and blogging websites in-order to debate and explain where they stand in-terms of solutions provided for peace.

Palestinians have changed the way they address issues regarding Palestine, instead of just watching the news and waiting on governments to act in their place, they have voiced their disapproval of initiatives put forth by the Israeli and Palestinian government, collectively refusing the two-state solution and explaining their support for the one-state solution, today with the help of social media you can talk to Palestinians in Gaza, Westbank, Tel Aviv, diaspora, around all corners of Palestine and or outside of Palestine and ask them what they wish to accomplish for Palestine.

You see Palestinians and Israelis debating online and influencing each-others opinions wihtout hate filled speech that many wish to allude to in-order to imply that peace is impossible, while I don't deny the existence of fanatics on both sides that do not engage in debate but rather shell out curse words and death threats, we can't deny the opportunity for the eloquently spoken and articulated majority to be stifled by the existence of such people.

As social media blossoms it seems to be on the road to becoming the Palestinian voice instead of news networks and governments, possibly redefining what may become the next generation of governments, moderated online by the public opinion that begs so strongly to be heard and inevitably changing the dynamics on the ground.

Everything Palestinians have experienced has taught them lessons and such is the case with social media, while some may argue that social media is also a battle ground of conflict between Palestinians and Israelis, I wish to look at it as a platform of debate and so do many else, we must recognize that even in debates you have a winning side and a losing side, the biggest battle/debate right now that faces Palestine is the One-State VS Two-State, if you wish to learn the public opinion go online and find out for yourself.


{Author: Yasir M. Tineh / Click Here To Visit Blog}

Twitter: @YasirTineh


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Large-scale cruise ship evacuation training held

page3c247POINTE BLANCHE--A large-scale cruise ship evacuation training was conducted on Tuesday morning, causing quite a stir because the road into Pointe Blanche where Dr. A.C. Wathey Cruise and Cargo Facilities are located was closed off and traffic diverted. This also led to some rumours of a possible bomb threat in the area.

St. Maarten Harbour Group of Companies Head of Security Max Phelipa told The Daily Herald the exercise, conducted with cruise ship Norwegian Epic, port security, police, ambulance and other emergency personnel had gone well.

Police spokesman Inspector Ricardo Henson said this training had been "a success and showed that all emergency services are capable of responding in time and through proper coordination getting the job done with as few casualties as possible."

Phelipa said he had learnt from the ship's personnel during the debriefing after the exercise that St. Maarten had been chosen for this large-scale drill because its port security and emergency response crews were of "a very high level." Similar exercises will be conducted here in the future. Tuesday's drill was the first large-scale one.

The debriefing session also emphasised the need for communication among all security and emergency personnel from the side of the ship and the ground crew. Consistency of training for port security and the ship's crew also were highlighted.

The drill simulated a fire being set aboard the ship by two disgruntled crew members who were "apprehended" later. The security and emergency response personnel had to evacuate some 1,400 crew members from the vessel as the fire was contained and extinguished by the ship's security.

Port security was tasked specifically with crowd control and other duties while the ambulance team had to tend to two "heart attack victims" who had to be transported to the medical centre.

The exercise started around 10:00am and ended at 11:45am.


Yorkshire English Defence League Australasia Restaurants Dubai Pakistan cricket betting scandal

Energy policy sees revised legislation, GEBE benchmarks, green energy plan

~Identifies new structure for GEBE~

PHILIPSBURG--The new energy policy of the government of St. Maarten identifies energy issues that are of great importance for the island and addresses the actions needed to move from policy to implementation, with the ultimate goal of ensuring a sustainable, affordable and environmental friendly energy situation for St. Maarten.

Commissioned by Minister of Energy Theo Heyliger, the policy calls for (but is not limited to) revised legislation in order to implement the policy, benchmarks for GEBE, a green energy plan, the feasibility of implementing natural gas, and establishing a regulatory authority for regulating the energy sector.

The policy also outlines a detailed timeline for implementation, culminating in the preparation of revised legislation. It is unclear, however, when the minister has targeted the start of the first activity. He did say recently he would prefer it sooner rather than later.

Heyliger had announced last year during a green energy conference at Westin that the policy was nearing completion and indicated just last week that it would be ready soon. In essence, the policy calls for a number of studies and technological investments from GEBE, funded primarily by the company. It also identifies a management structure at GEBE that will put the government of St. Maarten in charge as Shareholder, not the current Shareholding Foundation of GEBE.

In preparation for revised legislation in order to implement the energy policy, including improvement of the Ministry of Energy's governance and control of the electricity sector and including the establishment of the regulatory board, and implementing rules and regulations for a regulatory framework, government will also establish an Energy Committee for undertaking a number of tasks.

The policy was developed by the firm KEMA.

Policy items

The new energy policy outlines the following objectives:

1. Initiation of a Supply Side Energy Efficiency programme with which the fuel efficiency of GEBE's power station will be improved with 5 per cent after two years and with which the overall efficiency of GEBE and its power system– apart from fuel efficiency--will be improved with two per cent per year until an improvement of five percent has been reached within 2.5 years.

2. Preparation of a Green Energy Plan. An assessment of St. Maarten's Green Energy potential has already been started. The objective is to have 20 per cent of the electricity demand of St. Maarten to be generated with renewable energy sources by the year 2015. The Green Energy Plan includes the introduction of wind power, solar power and so-called waste to energy.

3. The Green Energy Plan will also provide in allowing households and commercial enterprises to produce electrical energy with renewable energy sources like solar power and wind power for their own consumption, while it will facilitate the delivery of the surplus of power produced to the GEBE grid, making use of net metering. For this purpose GEBE should develop a so-called "Interconnection Policy" including technical and commercial requirements for connecting the distributed renewable energy sources to the grid.

4. A program for introducing attractive incentives for solar water heating will be developed.

5. The St. Maarten government will implement an Energy Efficiency Programme for stimulating electricity consumers to reduce their energy consumption.

6. A study will be initiated to identify the feasibility of introducing LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) as a major fuel for GEBE's production park. In case LNG turns out to be a feasible option, the fuel cost for power generation will become lower, while at the same time the emission of Greenhouse Gases and other pollutants (particularly SO2) will be reduced substantially. Once the feasibility of using LNG for power generation has been proven, it is envisaged that more than 50 per cent of all power can be produced with LNG.

7. Government will investigate whether joining current studies on interconnecting island power systems with submarine cables would bring benefits for the St. Maarten power situation. An example of a current study: a study on a cable connection from St. Kitts/Nevis to Puerto Rico via the US Virgin Islands with the purpose of exporting geothermal power from Nevis to Puerto Rico and/or the US Virgin Islands, or exporting power from Puerto Rico to smaller islands.

Another example: the Dutch government will start investigating the geothermal power potential in Saba. In case the study reveals the feasibility of geothermal power production in Saba, a cable connection to St. Maarten could be a feasible option for St. Maarten for importing geothermal energy from Saba.

8. Government will establish a regulatory authority for regulating the energy sector based on performance-based principles, which include price cap regulation and performance regulation. For power generation – particularly with renewable energy sources and with "waste to energy" – Independent Power Producers (IPP's) will be allowed to bid in competition, while power produced by the IPP's will be purchased and distributed to the customers by GEBE according to the Single Buyer Model, although regulated by the regulatory authority.

9. The study on the feasibility of LNG as mentioned under 6, will include a study on the usage of LNG for cooking gas and for using it as vehicle fuel.

10. At the same time the feasibility of introducing electric cars will be studied.

11. In case the studies reveal that using natural gas and/or electricity for the transportation sector is a feasible option, the government will issue incentives for stimulating the usage of gas-fired cars or electrical cars.


The Energy Committee will undertake the following tasks:

1. Monitoring fulfilment by N.V. GEBE of the current requirements as set in the Electricity Ordinance and the concession, particularly regarding quality of supply and safety. Monitoring actions that are undertaken by GEBE to meet the timeline as set for accomplishing the requirements in the year 2014.

2. The committee will add measurable targets to the performance requirements in GEBE's concession on efficiency and productivity, while performance indicators should be compared with indicators of similar Caribbean islands' utilities by means of a Benchmark Study. GEBE could realize this by joining the Carilec Benchmark Study again. GEBE participated in this study for the last time in 2006.

3. The Energy Committee will report findings of the fulfilment by N.V. GEBE of the current requirements to the Minister of Energy.

4. Preparation of further amendments to the current ordinance and concession - next to adding measurable targets and performance requirements - in order to be compliant with the goals of the Energy Policy.

5. Review the Green Energy Assessment as currently being prepared by a consultant and identify feasible targets for initiating renewable energy projects.

6. Design of a Regulatory Framework while establishing the Single Buyer Model where GEBE as well as Independent Power Producers will produce electricity and where GEBE will be the sole and regulated distributor and supplier of electricity, according to Regulatory Rules and Standards regarding efficiency, reliability, quality of supply and safety.

7. Develop an Energy Efficiency programme for country St. Maarten, including energy efficiency issues in the transportation sector.

8. Development of an implementation plan for achieving the goals of the Energy Policy, including the renewable energy projects.

9. Prepare recommendations on adapting the current situation of governing GEBE to the new situation where only the government of St. Maarten is GEBE's shareholder, which implies that the Shareholders Foundation representing the governments of St. Maarten, St. Eustatius and Saba will become superfluous.

This means that N.V. GEBE should be supervised by a Supervisory Board, to be appointed by the Ministry of Energy, and that the Shareholder's role should resort directly under the St. Maarten government, represented by the Minister of Energy and supported by the Regulatory Board, which is fulfilling its Regulatory activities according to the legal framework and mandates as to be established in the new Ordinance or Electricity Act.

10. Preparation of a renewed Electricity Ordinance (or Electricity Act as a replacement of the Ordinance) covering the changes and newly developed arrangements as prepared by the Energy Committee, once approved by the government, including the addition of performance targets in the Electricity Concession and establishment of a Regulatory Board.

It is recommended that the Electricity Committee should consist of: a representative of the Ministry of Energy, a representative of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, a legal advisor, two experts who can cover regulatory as well as economic and technical issues. The intention is that the Energy Committee will report monthly to the Minister of Energy on progress of the activities, as well as on any hurdles or barriers experienced during the execution of activities.


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Hana Shalabi: Palestine's Female Gandhi

West Bank, (Pal Telegraph). No sooner had Khader Adnan ended his life-threatening 66-day hunger strike than new urgent concerns were voiced for Hana Shalabi, another West Bank hunger striker now without food for more than 33 days.


Tromso Energy efficiency Disability Psychology Terrorism policy Christina Aguilera

Immigration officers

page3a262About 30 immigration officers received their certificates on Friday for successfully completing their courses in documentation authenticity and validity and being able to recognise fake documents, etc. Immigration head Chief Inspector Geronimo Juliet (right) says just three officers were not successful in attaining their certificates, but they can re-sit the courses in September. Juliet says the courses are of vital importance for the officers, who have to deal with legal documentation daily.


Household bills Chelsea Communities Burlesque China Weekend breaks

Delegations walk out of meeting with Dutch

THE HAGUE--The delegations of St. Eustatius, Saba and Bonaire also met with the Ministry of Finance during their visit to The Hague for consultations with the Ministry of Interior Affairs and Kingdom Relations. However, when it became clear that the Ministry refused to provide information on the 2011 tax revenues, the Caribbean Netherlands delegation decided not to continue the talks and walked out of the meeting.

The main point on the agenda was to gain insight into the tax revenues that have been collected on the three islands. The islands deem this an absolute necessity, to report back to their respective communities and to establish their position on other tax-related issues, such as the soon to be expected implementation of property tax (vastgoedbelasting), the effect of the ABB general spending tax, and the double taxation on goods imported through Curaçao and St. Maarten.

In first instance, the request to supply figures on the 2011 tax revenues was bluntly refused by Ministry representatives, St. Eustatius' Commissioner of Finance Koos Sneek stated in a press release.

"First it was explained that these figures were not yet available, as they were mixed up with other figures, such as taxes collected over previous years and the social premiums the tax office collected on behalf of the Ministry of Health. Another argument was that the islands could misinterpret the figures.

"Information provided by local representatives of the tax inspectorate, however, makes it clear that the argument that the information is not available is incorrect, to say the least. They were simply instructed that they were prohibited to make it available. The fact that the islands might misinterpret the information has been felt by the islands as kind of insulting," Commissioner Sneek explained.

"One might also expect that the administration of the Tax Inspection is set up in such a manner that any type of report can be produced at any given moment. Proof of this is the fact that in June last year already the State Secretary of Finance had been able to predict that the amount set for collection in 2011 would be exceeded by at least US $10 million," Sneek stated.

Ministry representatives explained later during the meeting that they could not give the information without the State Secretary's approval. When it became clear that the State Secretary could not be reached, the BES delegations decided not to continue the talks, and left the meeting.


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Syrian opposition slams UN declaration

The U.N. Security Council adopted Wednesday a statement, calling on Damascus to cooperate with envoy Kofi Annan. The text was agreed by the 15 Council members, while new the Syrian army conducted more operations, mainly around Homs.

On its part, the Syrian opposition reacted strongly Thursday, saying "the UN declaration gives [Syrian President] Assad more time to kill."

© 2012 Al Bawaba (

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Sunday, March 25, 2012

Discover decorating inspiration during the Mirdif City Centre Home Show 2012

Up to March 31st, shoppers visiting Mirdif leading mall will receive a wealth of decorating hints and tips at the Mirdif City Centre Home Show. Injecting personality into your home couldn’t be made easier the inaugural Home Show display is set to mimic an actual home layout, while showcasing the latest furniture and decorating trends and providing shoppers the opportunity to interact with brand representatives.

Mirdif City Centre Home Show
© 2012 Al Bawaba (

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Prince Friso suffered “very serious brain damage” in skiing accident

VIENNA-- Friso van Oranje, the second son of Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, suffered massive brain damage and may never regain consciousness following a skiing accident in Austria a week ago.

"At the moment, it can't be predicted whether he'll ever regain consciousness," said Wolfgang Koller, head of the trauma unit at the Innsbruck Medical University hospital where the prince is being treated. "In any event, rehabilitation will take months, if not years."

Friso (43) was trapped in an avalanche on February 17, while skiing off-piste at the western Austrian ski resort of Lech, where the Dutch royal family has spent winter vacations since 1959. He was buried for about 25 minutes before being rescued and transported by helicopter to Innsbruck, Koller said today.

"Due to the length of time he was covered under the snow, his brain was deprived of oxygen," he said. "This led to cardiac arrest, which lasted about 50 minutes. The patient had to be resuscitated during this entire period. Fifty minutes of resuscitation is a very long time, one could say, too long."

The family will now seek a suitable rehabilitation centre, Koller said. Friso's brothers Crown Prince Willem-Alexander and Prince Constantijn and their families last week joined the Queen, Friso's wife Princess Mabel and their two daughters, who were in Austria at the time of the accident.

Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte told the Queen and Princess Mabel by telephone that "the Netherlands is sympathising intensely with the family in these times of concern and sorrow," according to a statement.

Friso is not in the succession to the Dutch throne. He gave up his claim in 2003 by deciding to marry Mabel Wisse Smit without parliament's permission. She had provided incomplete information to the government during a background check about her past relationship with the late Klaas Bruinsma, the former head of a Dutch criminal organisation.

No longer a member of the Royal House and having given up his status as Prince of the Netherlands, Friso is still part of the royal family and retains the title of Prince of Oranje.

He joined Urenco Ltd., a London-based uranium enrichment company, as chief financial officer in January 2011. He previously was a managing director at Wolfensohn and Co. and had worked at McKinsey and Co. in Amsterdam and Goldman Sachs Group's investment banking unit in London.

Friso studied engineering at the University of California at Berkeley from 1986 to 1988, and earned a degree in aerospace engineering at Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands in 1994. He received a master's degree in economics from Erasmus University in Rotterdam in 1995, and a master's degree of business administration from the European Institute of Business Administration INSEAD, in Fontainebleau, France in 1997.


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Sol and Chevron implement 50 per cent fuel restriction

SIMPSON BAY--Sol and Chevron have implemented a fifty per cent fuel restriction that went into effect on Friday, March 2, and will last throughout the Heineken Regatta weekend, Sol Aviation Operations Advisor Neville Alleyne informed PJIA officials Thursday.

This restriction applies to both General Aviation (GA) and commercial aircraft, except trans-Atlantic, he added. Alleyne informed PJIA operating company PJIAE on Friday morning that the Sol vessel was scheduled to arrive with the aviation fuel on March 2 at approximately 8:00pm and would offload on March 3. The recertification of the fuel is then expected during the morning hours of March 4, according to Alleyne.

The restriction is a precautionary measure due to high sales of fuel expected over the weekend coupled with low stock at both depots. Alleyne further revealed that airlines were to provide projected uplift volumes, "so that we can adjust the restriction if necessary."

Alleyne had given PJIAE a synopsis of the stock situation as of February 29 in which he informed the airport that the total stock of aviation fuel in St. Maarten on that date was 10,385 barrels. He further indicated that Sol projected the "highest daily uplift, taking into consideration the Heineken regatta" to be 2,478 barrels, which is about 50 per cent more than the projected average daily uplift of 1,673 barrels.

This means there would be five days' stock on hand, lasting until March 4, the last day of the regatta. The next vessels bringing fuel to the island are due on March 3 and March 5.

"We have taken this position in the event there are any vessel delays, sales exceed our projections or some other unforeseen circumstance," Alleyne explained. "Assuming that the ships arrive on time and sales remain constant, there should be no need for a restriction.

We will be monitoring the situation closely. Please plan accordingly."

Sol will advise on a return to normal fuelling operations by Monday, he said.

"There may be some delay in bridging product to Juliana due to the heavy traffic," Alleyne told PJIAE, while requesting assistance to provide some road clearance. "We have also put measures in place to constantly monitor the stock situation during the weekend, so that we are alerted to any rapid deterioration in the stock levels. As the news of this potential situation becomes known, we will also pay careful attention to the level of fuel being taken by GA based on what occurred recently."

PJIAE also is monitoring the situation closely.


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Science fair

page3b254President of Parliament Gracita Arrindell (second right) was a judge for Learning Unlimited Preparatory School's annual science fair. The fair from which the school picks its projects for the national science fair drew some 60 projects. They ranged from tackling environmental issues to solving household and daily life trouble. Arrindell took time out to chat with some of the students. She was particularly enthralled with a project dealing with solar panels on boats. In photo: Arrindell and School Principal Susan Dennis (right) speak with Shivani Advani and Emile Greaux about their "From Ocean to Tap" project.


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Energy policy sees revised legislation, GEBE benchmarks, green energy plan

~Identifies new structure for GEBE~

PHILIPSBURG--The new energy policy of the government of St. Maarten identifies energy issues that are of great importance for the island and addresses the actions needed to move from policy to implementation, with the ultimate goal of ensuring a sustainable, affordable and environmental friendly energy situation for St. Maarten.

Commissioned by Minister of Energy Theo Heyliger, the policy calls for (but is not limited to) revised legislation in order to implement the policy, benchmarks for GEBE, a green energy plan, the feasibility of implementing natural gas, and establishing a regulatory authority for regulating the energy sector.

The policy also outlines a detailed timeline for implementation, culminating in the preparation of revised legislation. It is unclear, however, when the minister has targeted the start of the first activity. He did say recently he would prefer it sooner rather than later.

Heyliger had announced last year during a green energy conference at Westin that the policy was nearing completion and indicated just last week that it would be ready soon. In essence, the policy calls for a number of studies and technological investments from GEBE, funded primarily by the company. It also identifies a management structure at GEBE that will put the government of St. Maarten in charge as Shareholder, not the current Shareholding Foundation of GEBE.

In preparation for revised legislation in order to implement the energy policy, including improvement of the Ministry of Energy's governance and control of the electricity sector and including the establishment of the regulatory board, and implementing rules and regulations for a regulatory framework, government will also establish an Energy Committee for undertaking a number of tasks.

The policy was developed by the firm KEMA.

Policy items

The new energy policy outlines the following objectives:

1. Initiation of a Supply Side Energy Efficiency programme with which the fuel efficiency of GEBE's power station will be improved with 5 per cent after two years and with which the overall efficiency of GEBE and its power system– apart from fuel efficiency--will be improved with two per cent per year until an improvement of five percent has been reached within 2.5 years.

2. Preparation of a Green Energy Plan. An assessment of St. Maarten's Green Energy potential has already been started. The objective is to have 20 per cent of the electricity demand of St. Maarten to be generated with renewable energy sources by the year 2015. The Green Energy Plan includes the introduction of wind power, solar power and so-called waste to energy.

3. The Green Energy Plan will also provide in allowing households and commercial enterprises to produce electrical energy with renewable energy sources like solar power and wind power for their own consumption, while it will facilitate the delivery of the surplus of power produced to the GEBE grid, making use of net metering. For this purpose GEBE should develop a so-called "Interconnection Policy" including technical and commercial requirements for connecting the distributed renewable energy sources to the grid.

4. A program for introducing attractive incentives for solar water heating will be developed.

5. The St. Maarten government will implement an Energy Efficiency Programme for stimulating electricity consumers to reduce their energy consumption.

6. A study will be initiated to identify the feasibility of introducing LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) as a major fuel for GEBE's production park. In case LNG turns out to be a feasible option, the fuel cost for power generation will become lower, while at the same time the emission of Greenhouse Gases and other pollutants (particularly SO2) will be reduced substantially. Once the feasibility of using LNG for power generation has been proven, it is envisaged that more than 50 per cent of all power can be produced with LNG.

7. Government will investigate whether joining current studies on interconnecting island power systems with submarine cables would bring benefits for the St. Maarten power situation. An example of a current study: a study on a cable connection from St. Kitts/Nevis to Puerto Rico via the US Virgin Islands with the purpose of exporting geothermal power from Nevis to Puerto Rico and/or the US Virgin Islands, or exporting power from Puerto Rico to smaller islands.

Another example: the Dutch government will start investigating the geothermal power potential in Saba. In case the study reveals the feasibility of geothermal power production in Saba, a cable connection to St. Maarten could be a feasible option for St. Maarten for importing geothermal energy from Saba.

8. Government will establish a regulatory authority for regulating the energy sector based on performance-based principles, which include price cap regulation and performance regulation. For power generation – particularly with renewable energy sources and with "waste to energy" – Independent Power Producers (IPP's) will be allowed to bid in competition, while power produced by the IPP's will be purchased and distributed to the customers by GEBE according to the Single Buyer Model, although regulated by the regulatory authority.

9. The study on the feasibility of LNG as mentioned under 6, will include a study on the usage of LNG for cooking gas and for using it as vehicle fuel.

10. At the same time the feasibility of introducing electric cars will be studied.

11. In case the studies reveal that using natural gas and/or electricity for the transportation sector is a feasible option, the government will issue incentives for stimulating the usage of gas-fired cars or electrical cars.


The Energy Committee will undertake the following tasks:

1. Monitoring fulfilment by N.V. GEBE of the current requirements as set in the Electricity Ordinance and the concession, particularly regarding quality of supply and safety. Monitoring actions that are undertaken by GEBE to meet the timeline as set for accomplishing the requirements in the year 2014.

2. The committee will add measurable targets to the performance requirements in GEBE's concession on efficiency and productivity, while performance indicators should be compared with indicators of similar Caribbean islands' utilities by means of a Benchmark Study. GEBE could realize this by joining the Carilec Benchmark Study again. GEBE participated in this study for the last time in 2006.

3. The Energy Committee will report findings of the fulfilment by N.V. GEBE of the current requirements to the Minister of Energy.

4. Preparation of further amendments to the current ordinance and concession - next to adding measurable targets and performance requirements - in order to be compliant with the goals of the Energy Policy.

5. Review the Green Energy Assessment as currently being prepared by a consultant and identify feasible targets for initiating renewable energy projects.

6. Design of a Regulatory Framework while establishing the Single Buyer Model where GEBE as well as Independent Power Producers will produce electricity and where GEBE will be the sole and regulated distributor and supplier of electricity, according to Regulatory Rules and Standards regarding efficiency, reliability, quality of supply and safety.

7. Develop an Energy Efficiency programme for country St. Maarten, including energy efficiency issues in the transportation sector.

8. Development of an implementation plan for achieving the goals of the Energy Policy, including the renewable energy projects.

9. Prepare recommendations on adapting the current situation of governing GEBE to the new situation where only the government of St. Maarten is GEBE's shareholder, which implies that the Shareholders Foundation representing the governments of St. Maarten, St. Eustatius and Saba will become superfluous.

This means that N.V. GEBE should be supervised by a Supervisory Board, to be appointed by the Ministry of Energy, and that the Shareholder's role should resort directly under the St. Maarten government, represented by the Minister of Energy and supported by the Regulatory Board, which is fulfilling its Regulatory activities according to the legal framework and mandates as to be established in the new Ordinance or Electricity Act.

10. Preparation of a renewed Electricity Ordinance (or Electricity Act as a replacement of the Ordinance) covering the changes and newly developed arrangements as prepared by the Energy Committee, once approved by the government, including the addition of performance targets in the Electricity Concession and establishment of a Regulatory Board.

It is recommended that the Electricity Committee should consist of: a representative of the Ministry of Energy, a representative of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, a legal advisor, two experts who can cover regulatory as well as economic and technical issues. The intention is that the Energy Committee will report monthly to the Minister of Energy on progress of the activities, as well as on any hurdles or barriers experienced during the execution of activities.


Royal Bank of Scotland Self-catering International criminal justice Manufacturing data Economics Oscars

Border Bar owner gets 3 years in jail

~ For trafficking, unlawful detention ~

PHILIPSBURG--The owner of Border Bar (Sunset Retreat) erotic entertainment club in Oyster Pond has been sentenced to 54 months, 18 of which were suspended, with two years' probation.

Judge Monique Keppels of the Court in First Instance convicted Ignacio A. Priest (64) on Wednesday of trafficking and exploiting seven women from the Dominican Republic who were forced to work as prostitutes in his brothel.

The Court also considered it proven that Priest had detained his female employees unlawfully by holding them behind lock and key inside their quarters outside the establishment's opening hours.

In addition, the brothel owner was found guilty of possession of several weapons, among them a 12-gauge shotgun with 20 shells, a blackjack, three canisters with pepper spray, two batons and a fake firearm.

For these crimes, which were all committed between February and August 2011, the Prosecutor's Office had requested that the court sentence Priest to six years.

It became clear during the six-hour trial on February 29 that Priest had recruited the women in the Dominican Republic and had forced them to have sex with customers at his business, while taking advantage of their vulnerable position.

The Court found it proven the Border Bar owner had exploited these women, housing them in small rooms against a daily fee of US $53, while they were also charged between $1,700 and $3,500 for their so-called work contracts, work permits and their flight to St. Maarten.

They had to pay off these early debts before receiving any income, while their financial situation was made even worse by an elaborate system of fines for all kinds of alleged violations of rules. The women had to work seven days per week, and were very limited in their freedom of movement. After working hours, the entrance gate to their bedrooms was closed from the outside.

Their passports were taken to prevent them from running away and they were allowed to leave the premises only sporadically and then only in the company of a customer or Border Bar employee.

The judge rejected attorney-at-law Cor Merx's comparison of Priest with a father locking the doors and gates to keep his family safe at night. The judge said the reasoning didn't hold water, because in that situation the doors and gates would have been closed from the inside, and not from the outside.

Priest didn't show any emotion while the sentence was being read out to him. Judge Keppels told him he was found guilty of human trafficking and had kept the women against their will. "Women have been exploited for your own financial gain which affected their physical integrity and limited their personal freedom," the Judge said.

In sentencing, the Judge took into account that Priest had not been convicted before.

It is not yet known whether the brothel owner will appeal the sentence. His attorney stated he would need to study the verdict with his client before making any decision on a possible appeal.


Digital media Simon Cowell Opera Royal Bank of Scotland Self-catering International criminal justice

Obama, the "Denier" of Israel's Crimes

altPalestine, (Pal Telegraph) - I listened to President Obama's speech to AIPAC Sunday, March 4, 2012, while sitting outside the Washington Convention Center where AIPAC was holding its annual conference. We at OCCUPY AIPAC hooked up a PA system to a computer and listened to the live stream while watching tens of thousands of Israel's American supporters arrive for their yearly intimidation of the U.S. Congress and the U.S. President to fund and protect Israel.


Lee Bowyer Stoke City TV ratings Public sector cuts Kevin Campbell Theatre

UAE: Read the rules to be in good form

Starting a business in the UAE isn’t just about deciding on a name and renting an office – there are many legal factors to be considered. Some of the most important considerations can be found in the UAE Commercial Company Law No 8 of 1984.

If you are an expat and looking to start an onshore company (as opposed to one in a freezone, which is deemed offshore), you will have to create a Limited Liability Company (LLC).

Some of the most important considerations can be found in the UAE Commercial Company Law No 8 of 1984
© 2011 Al Sidra Media LLC

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Moscow Simon Barker Lee Bowyer Stoke City TV ratings Public sector cuts

Argentines take to the streets to remember the victims of the last military coup

Thousands of marchers spread a 600 metres banner with the Argentine colours during the march through Buenos Aires Thousands of Argentines turned out to the streets of Buenos Aires while the two houses of Congress held a special joint session on Saturday to remember the victims of the last military dictatorship on the anniversary of the beginning of the seven year long military coup that took place 36 years ago.


Psychology Terrorism policy Christina Aguilera The US embassy cables Work & careers Hacking

Claret Connor seventh member, Chairman Tourism Authority

page1b248PHILIPSBURG--Minister of Tourism Franklin Meyers on Wednesday disclosed that Executive Director of the St. Maarten Chamber of Commerce Claret Connor has been selected by his Ministry as the seventh member to serve on the pending St. Maarten Tourism Authority (STA).

Meyers also said that Connor has been appointed Chairman of the STA. Connor replaces real estate executive Wendy Wathey who withdrew her name from consideration for the position recently.

The other six members of the STA will be Tamara Leonard of the Chamber of Commerce, Kalifa Hickinson of the Princess Juliana International Airport (PJIA), Mark Mingo of the Harbour Group of Companies, Emil Lee of the St. Maarten Hospitality & Trade Association (SHTA), Jim Rosen of the St. Maarten Timeshare Association (SMTA) and Lorraine Talmi of the St. Maarten Marine Trades Association (SMMTA).

Minister Meyers is expected to report on the latest developments surrounding the STA soon.


Kevin Campbell Theatre Mortgages Frank Lampard India Sepp Blatter

Govt seeks sustainable development, infrastructure for Simpson Bay area

~ Residents can submit suggestions ~

PHILIPSBURG--While the town hall meeting in Simpson Bay last week turned into a heated forum on the proposed causeway through the lagoon, government says its intention was to gauge ideas from the residents that would guide the overall development of the area and ensure a more sustainable future supported by proper zoning to curtail the ad hoc development that plagues the district.

Government officials said over the weekend that that goal had not changed and residents still could submit their ideas and recommendations via other means.

Residents were told during the meeting last week that they could e-mail their preferences or simply visit the department with any recommendations and/or suggestions. It was also stressed that the ideas to guide development in the plan were exactly that – "ideas."

The plans seek to address development in the tourism and recreational sector, commercial and industrial development, residential neighbourhoods, nature and landscape, and cultural heritage. They include land reclamation to realise some of the various proposed projects.

For tourism and recreation, for example, ideas in the development plans include the establishment of a coastal zone, properly guided in terms of future development and possibly including a promenade along the lagoon, a marina and even a new cruise pier. The plan also aims to control development on the beach, with designated areas for small hotels and inns, and establishing rules for height and size of beachfront development.

For Simpson Bay Village specifically, government said it wanted to hear what residents prefer in terms of future development in their district: a quiet, green district with only family homes or a mixed area with family homes and leisure activities/hotels. Attention also will be paid to public space, drainage of roads and neighbourhood facilities.

Government also would like opinions on the re-use of historical buildings in the district, by upgrading and preparing them for activity, rather than replacing them with newer structures. In this way, buildings of heritage and other monuments will be protected.

The plans also focus specifically on zoning the areas surrounding the airport – Beacon Hill, Simpson Bay and Simpson Bay Lagoon – and the need for new links to facilitate traffic alleviation, with the causeway being designated Link 9. Opinions are being sought on how to deal with the Simpson Bay drawbridge, which would have to be either repaired or replaced in due time.

Focus is also being placed on Princess Juliana International Airport (PJIA) and the fact that the airport has to expand and is currently operating without the necessary space around the facility. Regulations call for PJIA to have 150 metres of space without obstacles (a safety zone), around the area. It was disclosed that PJIA intends to expand its taxi area for aircraft, which would require land reclamation. The maximum height of buildings around the airport and for boat masts in the lagoon also will be enforced.

Residents can contact the Ministry of Housing and Spatial Planning, Environment and Infrastructure VROMI at tel. 542-4289 and ask for the VROM Department regarding Simpson Bay/Beacon Hill proposed development plans.


Science fiction Cricket Ireland Paul Myners Tromso Energy efficiency

Avi Shlaim: Obama must stand up to Netanyahu

altLondon, (Pal Telegraph) - It is clear what kind of Israeli prime minister President Obama will be receiving at the White House today. Benjamin Netanyahu is a bellicose, right-wing Israeli nationalist, a rejectionist on the subject of Palestinian national rights, and a reactionary who is deeply wedded to the status quo. Nationalism has an in-built
tendency to go to extremes and Netanyahu's brand is no exception. A nation has been defined as 'a group of people united by a mistaken view about the past and a hatred of their neighbours'.


Small business Road trips Office for National Statistics Cheryl Cole Biology Guantánamo Bay

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Jordan: Fuel orders spike on eve of threatened refinery boycott

Orders of oil derivatives by gas stations increased sharply on Wednesday, one day before the deadline station owners gave the Jordan Petroleum Refinery Company (JPRC) to address their concerns or face a complete halt in fuel orders.

According to the Jordan News Agency, Petra, gasoline orders on Wednesday rose by over 35 per cent to 11,200 tonnes from the usual 8,000 tonnes per day.

Gas stations threatened to stop ordering oil derivatives from the JPRC accusing Jordan’s sole fuel supplier of failing to solve some outstanding issues
© Copyright The Jordan Times. All rights reserved.

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Mortgages Frank Lampard India Sepp Blatter Conservatives Art

Science fair

page3b254President of Parliament Gracita Arrindell (second right) was a judge for Learning Unlimited Preparatory School's annual science fair. The fair from which the school picks its projects for the national science fair drew some 60 projects. They ranged from tackling environmental issues to solving household and daily life trouble. Arrindell took time out to chat with some of the students. She was particularly enthralled with a project dealing with solar panels on boats. In photo: Arrindell and School Principal Susan Dennis (right) speak with Shivani Advani and Emile Greaux about their "From Ocean to Tap" project.


Sri Lanka Roy Hodgson Highlands Slovakia European debt crisis Peter Crouch

Top Gaddafi aide detained

Abdullah al-Senussi, a top official of the ousted Libyan regime of Muammar Gaddafi was arrested Friday night at the airport of Nouakchott, Mauritania, according to a Mauritanian security source. The former military intelligence chief is wanted by the International Criminal Court. France, like Libya, will seek his extradition.

He was arrested by Mauritanian security services when he arrived from Casablanca for a scheduled flight, the source said, adding he was traveling with "a forged Malian passport."

 Abdullah al-Senussi
© 2012 Al Bawaba (

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Manchester United Spending review 2010 Scotland Middle East Wolverhampton Wanderers Lee Cattermole

Work on Back Street to start on Monday

PHILIPSBURG--The relaying of bricks on Back Street (the road only) will commence on Monday, March 12. The works will be carried out at night only starting at 7:00pm and ending at 6:00am.

The street will be reopened every day for routine traffic.

The works will be carried out in sections and will take approximately seven to eight weeks, weather permitting.

The necessary precautions will be taken not to disturb the nightly rest of the residents and also not to hinder the traffic. As work will be executed in sections Back Street will at no point in time be fully closed off.


US supreme court Transfer window Canada Science fiction Cricket Ireland

Zeina, beautiful

Egyptian actress Zeina will begin filming the first scenes
of her new television drama “Jameelah” (Beautiful) by the end of the current
month in Al Ahram Studios.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

© 2012 Al Bawaba (

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Housing market BBC1 Gay and lesbian travel Household bills Chelsea Communities

Body of man found in Yogesh Building

PHILIPSBURG--An investigation is currently underway into the death of a man, said to be of Guyanese descent, whose body was found in a stairwell in the Yogesh Commercial Building Sunday morning.

The body of the man, who was known for operating a small, provision stand on the hospital road (Welgelegen Road, Cay Hill), was discovered by a woman worker, in the building, around 11:00am.

Police Spokesman Ricardo Henson told the media that it appeared as if the deceased had suffered some sort of seizure or heart attack and had fallen head first down the stairs. He sustained a deep gash in his head and was found lying in a pool of blood.

However, he noted that a definitive cause of death is still to be determined.


Endangered species Stan Collymore Alps Chelsea Manchester United Spending review 2010

Egypt: One dead in Port Said riots

One person was killed and 18 injured in clashes in the Egyptian city of Port Said. The riots started after supporters of the city's football club, Al-Masry, had learned that their team was suspended for two years. This measure was taken following the death of 74 people on February 1 at the end of a match in the local stadium.

The violent clashes took place Friday night at Port Said. Military police shot in the air trying to disperse hundreds of supporters of the club, who gathered outside the headquarters of the Suez Canal Authority.

© 2012 Al Bawaba (

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Biology Guantánamo Bay Digital media Simon Cowell Opera Royal Bank of Scotland

Large waves lash Payagala beach




Large waves triggered-off by choppy seas landed on the beach front in Payagala yesterday evening creating a land erosion in the area.

Beach dwellers and make-shift restaurant operators situated close to the sea kept up a night vigil to monitor the waves since it could be a threat to them.

However the sea calmed down during the early hours of the morning


Environmental sustainability Roberto Mancini JLS Protest Norway Alexander Litvinenko

Top Gaddafi aide detained

Abdullah al-Senussi, a top official of the ousted Libyan regime of Muammar Gaddafi was arrested Friday night at the airport of Nouakchott, Mauritania, according to a Mauritanian security source. The former military intelligence chief is wanted by the International Criminal Court. France, like Libya, will seek his extradition.

He was arrested by Mauritanian security services when he arrived from Casablanca for a scheduled flight, the source said, adding he was traveling with "a forged Malian passport."

 Abdullah al-Senussi
© 2012 Al Bawaba (

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West Bromwich Albion Rugby union Bradford Bulls Small business Road trips Office for National Statistics