Friday, March 23, 2012

St. Maarten swaps trees with Holland on National Tree Day

page3a261PHILIPSBURG--St. Maarten Archaeological Centre Simarc marked the National Day of Trees Thursday with the planting of a Dutch juniper tree at Fort Amsterdam and eight mahogany trees at Walter Nisbeth Road, opposite the Central Bank and the Post Office.

The activities in St. Maarten mirrored those in The Netherlands, where "Boomfeestdag" was commemorated Wednesday with the planting of a Guavaberry tree at Land van Cuijk in North-Brabant province.

The St. Maarten guavaberry tree was one of 28 trees planted in commemoration of the 28 Dutch and Belgian victims of the March 14 tour bus accident in Switzerland.

The Guavaberry tree is typical for St. Maarten and planting the tree in The Netherlands is part of an exchange programme in cooperation with the Tourist Bureau. It is the intention to feature the planting of the trees in Holland and St. Maarten in KLM airline's in-flight information videos.

While Guavaberry liquor was served during the planting of the tree in the presence of Princess Máxima and Minister Plenipotentiary Mathias Voges in The Netherlands, guests in St. Maarten presented a toast with a glass of original Dutch Jenever during the ceremony here.

Governor Eugene Holiday, Prime Minister Sarah Wescot-Williams, Dutch Representative Marsie Jonkers, as well as representatives of St. Maarten Nature Foundation and St. Maarten Pride Foundation attended the event.

The Dutch juniper tree was planted next to the entrance sign of Fort Amsterdam, where it will be protected from trade winds and salt spray. The tree produces berries that are used for the Jenever production.

Later in the afternoon, Simarc and Milton Peters College students planted eight mahogany trees in open spots between the palms opposite the Post Office and the Central Bank alongside Walter Nisbeth Road.

Preparation of the planting sites, as well as fertiliser, soil and the trees themselves were provided by Greenfingers N.V., with a financial contribution by Rotary Club of St. Maarten.

The planting was carried out by Simarc students and Simarc director Jay Haviser, Chris Maas Geesteranus, St. Maarten Museum director Elsje Bosch, Rotarian Maria Buncamper, and other community volunteers, helped with the planting of the trees.

For next year, Tree Day organizers would like to add an extra educational dimension to the event by focussing more on the technical aspects of tree-planting. Such an approach would contribute to the environmental awareness of youngsters and the greater community, the organisers stated.

It is also envisaged to establish tree-watch clubs within schools and the community. It would be their task to ensure the well-being of trees and to warn authorities of any possible threats.


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