Sunday, February 27, 2011

GEBE workers without union, no union won the referendum

PHILIPSBURG--None of the three unions that contested Thursday's referendum at utilities company GEBE accumulated enough votes to represent the workers.

The workers are currently without a union. A total of 102 workers were eligible to vote in the referendum. A union needed at least 52 votes to win. A total of 71 workers turned out to vote, 42 casted their ballots in favour of the Workers Institute for Organised Labour (WIFOL); 19 for the Windward Islands Health Care Union (WIHCU) and 10 for the United Federation of the Windward Antilles (UFA).

There were no blank votes. Another referendum can only be held at the company after six months.

UFA, which had been the workers representative before the referendum, lost a lot of support. That union will not be contesting any possible referendum at GEBE if one is called in six months. UFA President Francis Olivacci thanked all those who voted for the union.


Paul Myners Tromso Energy efficiency Disability Psychology Terrorism policy

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