Friday, February 18, 2011

General Aoun after meeting PM Mikati: No one can claim that we are followers of any sort or to any other state

General Michel Aoun met with Prime Minister designate Najib Mikati in his Rabieh residence on January 26, and made the following statement after the visit:Our meeting was a brief overview of the situation and the main discussions will happen tomorrow during the consultations.�Our meeting was positive since we nominated prime minister designate Mikati and this is the first time we ever nominate a prime minister who is constitutionally assigned to form a government.I would like today to comment on reports in the international press and some foreign reactions, especially American reactions, to the situation in Lebanon. These reactions are a mixture of threats and expectations. We act as an independent state and no one can claim that we are followers of any sort or to any other state. We are seeking everybody?s friendship: we are open to the West, we speak its language and we have made our studies in its schools. I, personally, have done military training in France, where I stayed 18 years, and the US. I have lived with the Americans and they are good people. But I don?t know why the US Administration keeps addressing us with an aggressive tone. What we aim for is to build a modern and clean state free of corruption, to boost our national unity, and to get rid of the rumors they have spread to come between the different components of the Lebanese social fabric. Despite all the rumors unfortunately spread by the media, we are capable of unity. We are not against our fellow Sunni countrymen, we are against a policy that we deem wrong, and tomorrow its mistakes will be revealed more and more. No one should judge us through rumors. Our national history and attitude bear witness to us and I have always repeated the motto of Michel Chiha: the ones who try to destroy a community are destroying Lebanon itself. Our priority is national unity and a policy that comprises all the players; if they don?t want to participate in power, they are free to do so. But the Sunni community will. �


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