Friday, April 22, 2011

Bush fire controlled before igniting home

page4a261GUANA BAY--The Fire Department was able to contain a bush fire in Guana Bay very close to the home of one of the residents. Tuesday's fire is described by Fire Department Officer Pauletta as distinct from the one that occurred the day before.

The home High View Residence was in close proximity to the blaze and in imminent danger of being engulfed. Neighbour Henk Beentjes told The Daily Herald, "Fire fighters kept the fire away just minutes before the bush fire came close to the house."
Pauletta said, "Fire fighters received the call around 7:15pm and responded quickly to the scene. The fire was intense, but the men were able to contain the spread and to control it. The access to certain areas was very limited, but we were able to allow the fire to die out naturally and to ensure that it was damped down. The problem with such fires is that they can easily re-ignite, given a breeze and a smouldering area.

The Fire Department has no indication at this stage as to whether the fire was started deliberately.


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