PHILIPSBURG--The man who was taken to St. Maarten Medical Center (SMMC) after he was hit twice in the left leg in a drive-by shooting in Dutch Quarter last week Wednesday around 3:15pm has been arrested in connection with the death of Amador Jones.
Jones, the son of former commissioner of sports Elton Jones, was killed by a masked man outside a bar and carwash on Saturday, April 16, on L.B. Scott Road.
The suspect said Amador Jones' brother had been driving the Ford Expedition from which he had been shot, which was set ablaze in Oyster Pond later that day.
Chief Prosecutor Hans Mos said, "The grounds for his arrest were based on statements made that his attacker was the brother of Amador Jones. Witnesses still refuse to cooperate and continue to imply that they will address the issue themselves."
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