Tuesday, April 26, 2011

SZV starts appointment system at Control Doctor

PHILIPSBURG--Social and Health Insurances (SZV) has introduced an appointment system at the Control Doctor's offices in an effort to enhance the system there.

In its internal newsletter 'Your Healthy News and Views' SZV said the appointment system is only for persons who have seen a control doctor and have to return for a follow up visit. Chief Operations Officer Reginald Willemsberg was quoted as saying that persons who are visiting the control doctor for the first time after their illness do not have to make an appointment. They visit the office, take a number and wait to see the doctor from 7:00am ? 10:00am daily.

If the doctor determines that the patient requires a follow up visit, an appointment will be set between 10:00am ? 12noon. Clients are asked to stick to their appointment for the system to work. Persons who are late or who fail to show up without prior notification will be required to visit the following day between 7:00am and 10:00am and get a number to see the control doctor.

SZV had recently introduced an appointment system for general services to cut down on long queues. Willemsberg said while this system is working, some clients are still showing up late for their appointments.

Unlike the previous system in which cardholders were tended to on a first come, first serve basis, the insured are now required to visit the office and make an appointment. "Some people come one hour after their appointment time and that is not acceptable," said Willemsberg. "We have estimated that each client takes about six minutes to be helped, so if you are one or two minutes late you will still be helped, but only during your allotted time span. We advise clients to be at the office at least 10 minutes before their appointment. The new system will only work if you stick to your time."

Genuine emergency cases can be helped on the same day once it is established by SZV that it is an emergency, Willemsberg explained in the newsletter. One of the three booths that handle appointments has been designated as a "Solution Booth" for, among other things, emergencies.

Willemsberg said too many clients still wait until the last moment to renew their SZV cards, a trend he calls irresponsible. He urges clients to renew their cards early as the new appointment system allows for speedy processing and less wait time.

The new system brings relief to clients after at least a decade of crowds becoming the norm at SZV's predecessor Social Insurance Bank. Shortening the time that clients spend at SZV is not only good for the employee, but also for employers as workers can be back on the job faster. An estimated 122 persons are assisted by SZV daily. In the past about 200 persons showed up for service resulting in crowds.

SZV currently has about 28,000 ZV/OV sickness and accident insurance clients; 6,000 BZV clients and about 1,000 FZOG pension clients.

Source: http://www.thedailyherald.com/islands/1-islands-news/16203-szv-starts-appointment-system-at-control-doctor.html

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