Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Health, Wellness Fair called huge success

PHILIPSBURG--The Lions Club Health and Wellness Fair was a huge success this year with more than forty stalls participating in the event, according to the organisers.

Lions Club President Lisandra Havertong said, "Numbers of people attending were a little bit down from last year, we think. However, the numbers were still very good and I think the stall-holders were all quite pleased with the results of their efforts."

The Diabetes Foundation tested more than 300 persons for blood sugar level, blood pressure and cholesterol. Several people were found to have high levels in those tests and were referred to their doctors for advice and official diagnosis.

The Alzheimer's Foundation was a particular success and administered more than 330 simple tests that gave people an indication of their current memory levels and brain function. Chairman Keith Franca and Secretary Raymond Jessurun manned the booth whilst volunteers gave the tests. They were able to give some reassurance to those who had concerns regarding Alzheimer's, especially those who had parents or immediate relatives who had the disease.

The Positive Foundation booth, dealing primarily with breast cancer issues, also was well attended and gave advice concerning self-examination, mammography and some general health advice relating to women's issues.

The St. Maarten AIDS Foundation booth administered 197 HIV tests.

Seven Seas health products were on display at the Fountain of Health booth and visitors were invited to sample some of them, including sugar-free effervescent vitamin C supplements in various fruity flavours.

Physical therapists had a busy time measuring body fat and giving dietary and exercise advice and the Windward Islands Emergency Medical Service (WIEMS) ambulance service provided information on resuscitation techniques and basic first aid.

Amongst the other interest groups was Love of Kids Foundation. The group assists families that have children who are challenged in particular through attention-deficit disorders, Tourette's syndrome and a host of other disorders. The foundation raises funds through various events to bring experts in child welfare and health to the island to inform both parents and health professionals.


Bradford Bulls Small business Road trips Office for National Statistics Cheryl Cole Biology

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