Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Governor envisions country as ?centre of excellence? in region

page1a196~ Calls for law faculty at USM, immortalises Royal Visit in photo book ~

LITTLE BAY--"A centre for excellence" is how Governor Eugene Holiday envisions St. Maarten as it moves into its second year as country within the Dutch Kingdom.

On the road to accomplishing that goal, he recommended during his New Year's Reception the formulation of an innovative national economic programme, a law faculty at University of St. Martin (USM), a philharmonic orchestra and a centre for the performing arts.

"Let us, as we seek to move St. Maarten to a higher national plane, to its place as a centre of excellence, start by investing more in the academic, vocational and artistic development of our people," he said.

Further, the realisation of the law faculty, centre for performing arts and orchestra, among other things, "calls for excellence in educational governance and in cultural governance." These programmes have the potential to inspire the people. "They offer new opportunities and as such motivate our people to strive to realise our full potential as a nation."

Holiday reiterated his call for excellence in governance to invited guests from a cross-section of the community, including President of Parliament Gracita Arrindell, Prime Minister Sarah Wescot-Williams and Member of Parliament George Pantophlet.

That call and the mission to become a centre of excellence can only be achieved when people in the community without exception "rise above the narrow confines of our individual interests to the higher and broader concerns of our society." Broader societal concerns extend to improved education, more and better employment, less crime and drug abuse, a cleaner environment and cultural development.

"Fostering and achieving these broader societal objectives means a better life for all St. Maarteners."

Holiday called for the development of an innovative national economic programme grounded in prudent fiscal, sound monetary, responsible business, balanced social and sustainable environmental policies. These must be aimed at protecting the economic base from potential erosion and directed at laying a solid foundation as the global economy undergoes transformation.

"For it is only by making such governance investments that we can secure moving to a higher national plane of excellence for current and future generations."

Looking to the future, Holiday said, "It is essential that we, as the generations before us have done, strive to move St. Maarten to a higher national plane. To do so it is imperative that each of us moves beyond the sound of our voices to concrete actions."

He called for embarking on a search for and implementation of "concrete national programmes" that will satisfy the broader societal objectives mentioned.

"It is critical, therefore, that we put our people first; this because people are the most critical factor for the quality of our governance and development. As we embark on this New Year let us renew our commitment to invest in and care for our human capital."

This is critical because motivated and inspired people are "our best source of strength as we set our sails to navigate through the rough seas of the expected protracted unfavourable global financial and economic environment in 2012."

Speaking about the visit of Queen Beatrix, Crown Prince Willem-Alexander and Princess M�xima in November 2011, Holiday said "the wonderful and warm reception" by the country's people had been appreciated by the royals.

To commemorate the "successful and unforgettable" royal visit, the governor commissioned a photo book, copies of which were given to all guests as "a special keepsake proudly displaying the potential of the people of St. Maarten as we hosted the royal family."


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