PHILIPSBURG--President of Parliament Gracita Arrindell introduced first acting General Secretary of Parliament Nancy Joubert to the press on Thursday.
Joubert, a legislative lawyer, worked in the Department of Legal Affairs and was involved with several laws and amendments dealt with already, or which are pending handling by Parliament.
Joubert looks forward to her new post and the challenges it will bring.
It was "a lengthy process" to attract people to fill the two general secretary posts. Arrindell is happy to have attracted Joubert and Second Acting General Secretary van Dyke-Bell, who was unable to attend the press conference.
It was "very difficult" to find a person with Joubert's background. Rarer is to find a young person or a woman with the needed expertise," Arrindell added.
"Our staff is almost complete now," said Arrindell at her first press conference for the year held at Parliament House. She looks forward to everyone, staff and Members of Parliament (MPs) "putting their shoulder to the legislative process."
Arrindell said that 2011 has taught MPs and the country a lot by the way of challenges and bottlenecks. "It's a new year, while we still face some challenging times, I believe firmly, if we all collectively and individually put our shoulders under the issues that would make our country stronger.
"We will persevere. We will succeed in making this a better quality place to live and enjoy for our children, our visitors and our citizens," she said.
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