Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Transport key to UAE?s growth

If there is one sphere of activity ? apart from oil and gas ? rooted firmly in the country?s past and integral to its future, it has to be the ports and all the logistics operations that move seamlessly into and out of them.

Yes, geography has been quite kind in creating a maritime industry out of the multiple locations that were there and create deep-water hubs for the global movement of trade. But to get to that point, ample foresight and planning had to be in place to go with the undoubted quality of the natural resources on the ground.

Risk premiums have firmed up on some Middle East specific routes, though this has so far not been reflected on ships calling in at Dubai ports
� Al Nisr Publishing LLC 2011. All rights reserved.

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Source: http://www.albawaba.com/transport-key-uae%E2%80%99s-growth-403049

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