Monday, November 21, 2011

Fisticuffs as President presents Budget

Government and Opposition MPs came to fisticuffs in Parliament a short while ago after UNP legislators held up posters   with the words ‘shame’   as President Mahidna Rajapaksa was in the middle of his Budget speech.


The UNP MPs who unfolded the posters  as the president read out his Budget speech infuriated  Government MPs  who walked up to them and attempted to pull the posters away. Some Government MPs walked across the aisle of the House to pull  away the posters while those occupying the back seats of the opposition side too joined the melee.


Several of the posters were torn and thrown on the floor while a bottle of water that as flung from the back row of the government side towards the opposition landed just inches away from the President.

UNP MPs walked out of the chamber shortirtly afterward following which the president continued his speech.

 Read more highlights of the Budget here



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